Monday 22 August 2011

Sign series: enseigne II - reliure

Sign series: a bookbinding sign in Saint-Louis neighbourhood. I am in the process of changing computers so if I don't visit your blogs, it'll mean that I'm stuck trying to get my internet access up and running again!

Reliure à Saint-Louis. Je suis en cours de changement d'ordinateur, si je ne visite pas vos blogs cela signifie que je pleure de n'être pas parvenue à me connecter à internet...


  1. magnifique cette enseigne, j'adore

  2. Great sign. Good luck with the new PC.

  3. Anonymous22/8/11 01:35

    Changing computers can be so stressful. I've done it so much that I have it down to a science.

    That sign is very nice. I think it's odd that there are three hands.

  4. Isn't it wonderful that people can still have the profession of bookbinder. I wonder how many remain in the world.

  5. Interesting, I don't think I have ever seen a bookbinding sign or business. Looks like other signs have been hung here also.

  6. True love: I'll hold the ink pot for you. I like the yellow tones inside the window against all that blue and gray.

  7. Very nice sign. I hated changing computers it was such a pain. I hope your change is flawless.

  8. Very nice! I hope your computer switch goes well. :-)


  9. Lots of lovely element in this picture Ciel, the reflections, the ornate balcony grill and that sign, as Jack said, how fabulous that this is still a viable profession, may it always be!! Good luck with the changeover!!

  10. My honey does Chinese calligraphy, but I don't hold the ink pot for him. A unique sign. Not one of my favorite activities, changing computers; it sucks hours of seemingly non-productive time to get it customized the way I like. Hope your transition is smooth.

    [I saw your note on Joo's blog about what's commonly called - probably tongue-in-cheek - People's Palace. Ceausescu demolished a lot of old Bucharest to build this, the world's second largest building in space area (2nd to Pentagon). Here is a good top view of the building with a fair description of the history and the site. I'll check out the interior next time I go to Bucharest.]

  11. Un joli metier, et ces vieilles enseignes semblent revenir à la mode: claires, artistiques, simples a comprendre, jolies..
    les computers , c'est super quand ça marche, sinon c'est ch.. penible!Bon courage!

  12. Ce sont des "petits" métiers importants qui se perdent, peut-être pas à Paris mais les prix ne sont sans doute pas donnés.
    J'avais emprunté un ouvrage à l'école des eaux et forêts de Nancy pour mon plôme et des chatons en bouquets en s'ouvrant avaient éclaté le vase où je les avais mis. Le document en avait pâti, je l'avais de nouveau fait relier à Epinal.
    (J'espère avoir mon plus jeune fils sous la main lorsque je devrai changer d'ordi, ceci dit j'ai aussi un portable. Tu sais c'est comme avoir des bretelles en plus de la ceinture ou un stérilet en plus de la pillule)

  13. Bookbinding? Out in the open?

    4th floor? No a/c? Yikes!

    Good luck with the computer. Nothing as much fun as a new computer.

  14. Good luck with the computer. I like the sign and the railing on the window. :)

  15. Yes, to be a bookbinder. Love to see a closeup, straight on of this sign. Good luck w/ your computer access.

  16. Beaucoup de recherche dans cette belle enseigne.
    Bonne chance avec l'accès internet.

  17. i went to a bookbinding shop in williamsburg, it's interesting to learn how they do it! good luck with all that computer stuff!

  18. One of my favorite subject, here and there. This sign is very nice and I like the contest of the picture.
    My best wishes for you new computer!

  19. That sign is so creative! Love the reflection in the window, too. Hope you and your new computer get along :D

  20. Lovely sign and railing. Good luck with technology! :-)

  21. Best of luck changing computers. That is rarely fun. :)

  22. A lovely image...
    The internet and computers are fantastic and I am so amazed at what I can do and share... but it can also be so frustrating at times.
    Hope your new kit works ok. xx

  23. That's so clever, the book on the sign.
    I am also in the in between stage of moving to a new laptop, so I can sympathize with you. Good luck.


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