Monday 1 August 2011

August City Daily Photo Theme Day: Postcard-worthy

Hey! What did you expect for this Theme Day?!! The palace of course, with the current B. Venet exhibit and what I thought was a very nice July evening sky! Happy August! Click here to view thumbnails for all participants I am having old age computer problems at the moment so if I don't visit your blogs, I'll be back a.s.a.p. In the meantime, a huge thank you to Bergson of Châteaubriant Daily Photo for his help, kindness and time.

Ben vous vous attendiez à quoi avec un thème du mois d'août de carte postale ? Le château bien sûr, avec un joli ciel de soir de juillet et l'oeuvre de B. Venet. Bon mois d'août ! Mon ordinateur atteint un grand âge, si je ne rends pas visite à vos blogs pendant quelques jours, je serai de retour le plus vite possible. En attendant un merci braz à Bergson de Châteaubriant Daily Photo pour son temps, son aide et sa gentillesse.


  1. bien vu et bien fait le traitement, on dirait une gravure, j'adore. J'espere que tu vas t'en sortir avec ton ordinateur

  2. Yes Ciel - that's exactly what I expected - the palace!! and it's a beautiful postcard shot - I wasn't disappointed!

  3. Ciel, you have done an excellent job using this exhibit to frame your photographs. I've enjoyed all of these. (especially the brilliant fireworks)


  4. En effet, quoi de plus actuel! Super.

  5. Anonymous1/8/11 01:05

    I would love to mail someone this postcard during a visit to Versailles!

    Looks postcard perfect as a thumbnail too!

  6. Great framing of the building and sky.

  7. fabulous, ciel, and definitely post-card worthy.

  8. Anonymous1/8/11 03:06

    I do so like this, you've created an excellent frame for your subject.

  9. Carte postale magnifique digne! I have loved this Venet exhibit in your photos of the palace.

  10. Absolutely stunning picture Ciel, if that was a postcard it would sell out pronto!!
    Your comment yesterday made me laugh Ciel, yes I certainly do remember Victor Meldew in One Foot in the Grave such a funny serial, made funnier by the fact that I know someone exactly like him!!

  11. They looks like the fossilized ribs of a whale. I'd be tempted to think that was deliberate, but Venet isn't interested in representation, just math.

  12. Anonymous1/8/11 03:59

    It is grand!

  13. Perfect theme day shot! Love that beautiful sky!

  14. I Knew you'd come up with something GRAND Ciel!

  15. If you had chosen any other subject in Versailles for a topic like this, I would have been surprised, Ciel. And these big curving structures frame the palace nicely. Well done.

  16. Although you were constrained by the universal expectations of a single subject, you managed to present a novel and creative perspective on what all of us expected. Well done.

  17. Terrific framing here, Ciel. What did Yeats say something about through the eyes of a bone.

  18. Les parenthèses de Venet servent au moins a qque chose: mettre le reste en valeur! Ciel magnifique et belle carte postale!
    Moi aussi , je ralentis le rythme des blogs pendant aout.

  19. Quelle jolie parenthèse ! Bravo :)

  20. HI Ciel,I have a question. How many of these parenthetical structures are there in place at the Palace? Is this the only one?

    Time of day is very important and to be honest, the sky is so overcast and the chateau so dark that I had to zoom it up to 200 and 400 to see a few things there.

    I like it when the castle looks golden...and I guess that means the other side then...are the arches there also?

  21. superbe ciel pour un chateau assez banal ;-)

    Pas trop de pub je vais rougir et peut être gagner trop de client

  22. You mixed in the right way a couple of things that I don't like much and the resultng image is wonderful!

  23. Wonderful photo, Ciel! Brilliant, in fact. :)

  24. A very attractive lure to your city.

  25. It brings me memories about my visit to the Palace last year.

  26. So nice! Makes me want to go back so badly! Great job!

  27. Parfait !
    I would definitely buy this postcard. :)

  28. WOW! This is your best shot of the Venet exhibit. Gorgeous, Ciel.

  29. Postcard perfect execution. Very nice!

  30. @ 32°: Exhibition until November, click on the 'exhibition' label for more details.

  31. What a great capture. The palace looks like it's framed and the sky is lovely.

  32. Love it...I would buy that postcard.

  33. A beautiful, postcard-worthy photo indeed!

  34. Magnificent composition, it's a perfect postcard from there! Congrats!

  35. I've been busy and am late with all my comments, too! So sorry. This postcart perfect photo is just lovely! I'm really enjoying your series on this exhibit in the palace court.

  36. Definitely postcard worthy!!

  37. J'aurais pensé qu'une carte postale serait nécessairement par grand ciel bleu mais ce coucher de soleil nuageux est du plus bel effet. Cadrage parfait pour cette expo temporaire !

  38. Une carte postale magnifique! Parfait, Ciel!

  39. Comment vous dire "wow!" a francais? (Did I even get that right?) Beautiful, Ciel! As usual.


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