Tuesday 7 June 2011

Les fourberies de Scapin

June is Molière month in honour of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, the great playwright a.k.a Molière. Every day there are plays and music at various venues in the city, some free, some not. Here, last Sunday, Molière's 'Scapin's deceit' by l'Académie Internationale des Arts du Spectacle in the Italian Musicians garden which I told you about here.

Juin, c'est le mois Molière. Tous les jours, du théâtre et de la musique gratuits ou payants en divers endroits de la ville, le programme c'est par ici. Dimanche, c'était entre autres les fourberies de Scapin par l'Académie Internationale des Arts du Spectacle qui se produisait dans le jardin des Musiciens Italiens que je vous montrais ici.


  1. I find this all very fascinating...I don't think outdoor plays are common in the U.S., nor are honoring playwrights! :-)

    And the fact that some are free of charge is wonderful.

    Did you go to some of the performances?

  2. What great fun. We do indeed have outdoor plays in the U.S....at least up here in Vermont...and they are such fun to attend...one year The Tempest was performed outside when a rainstorm blew in...the audience and actors got soaking wet but we loved it.

    These are so beautifully costumed, Ciel. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of Moliere in the 21st century.

  3. le retour du mois Moliere, un blog tourne et retourne sur lui meme ;)) ca doit etre sympa, tu vas pouvoir faire plein de photos de spectacles. j'avais joue a l'ecole les fourberies de scapin, c'est la ou je me suis rendu compte que je ne ferais pas une carriere a la gerard philipe ;))

  4. I would love to see this. I love Moliere!

  5. What a wonderful idea, and what a wonderful month!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. How fun. Kansas City has a Shakespeare festival that runs for a few weeks starting the end of June. Two of Shakespeare's plays are alternated over the time period.

  7. We have a lot of outdoor music opportunities in Hartford, as well as poetry, but I can't think of any plays. This looks like fun.

  8. Anonymous7/6/11 03:37

    I think it's great that they perform outside. I'd imagine it could make for some impromptu adaptations of the script.

  9. Anonymous7/6/11 04:03

    What a great way to spend a month of summer! Maybe I'll put one of his plays on my summer reading list. Suggestion? Which is your favorite?

  10. Beautiful costumes Ciel and a fantastic week I bet!

  11. Anonymous7/6/11 04:34

    I'd love to see this. Great costumes!

  12. Seem like you and Olivier had some fun events for photographers.

  13. Looks like fun, although I don't know this play. We once attended a performance of The Imaginary Invalid in Pitlochery, Scotland, done in heavy Scots dialect. Might as well have been in French.

  14. Quelle chance de baigner dans cette atmosphère! Pour les textes et pour la vue.

  15. Trop bien! en plus , ça fait vraiment comme à l'epoque, une estrade, un rideau, et c'est parti!
    Shakespeare et Molière semblent être les mamelles du theatre mondial..

  16. je t envie de voir tout ca !

  17. It sounds funny and interesting!

  18. Reminds me of all the plays we did in grade school. Love how they are performing outside...I don't think we have much theater here.

  19. I love a good outdoor play. The costumes make it much more interesting.

  20. I love theater outdoors. In Rhode Island we had "Shakespeare in the Park" every summer. The performances were at night under the stars. Being outside, sitting on a blanket, sipping wine and watching a play. What could be better.

  21. The costume design looks just great as well as the setting, of course. Great shots, Ciel.

  22. I am still around. Went to Mount Baker on Monday. 'You know who' keeps me very busy doing wonderful things. He also is doing things around my place that should have been done a long time ago. What a MAN--LOL.
    It is nice to have someone who cares.
    Blogger is being a real pisser and won't let me post any pics. I am going to keep trying so don't give up on me. Thanks for caring too.

    Oh, the horses are near my daughter's place in Ritzville. Marengo was a small railroad town and went bust when the Milwaukee road trains moved away. Just a couple of years ago the building were torn down but it is still on the map as Marengo. The Burlington Northern still rolls through there and they use the siding as a storage area but the town is gone. Sad.

  23. That must be nice to see a play out in the open.

  24. What great fun, Ciel! I sure hope the weather isn't as hot there as it is here, though. Those costumes look heavy!

  25. I'm not sure about the stability of the stage, but it looks like a fun time.


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