Tuesday 10 May 2011

Au loin, le château et l'orangerie...

The palace and the orangerie seen from the far end of the Swiss lake last Sunday and as painted by Jean-Baptiste Martin 1688-1690.

Vus du fond de la pièce d'eau des Suisses dimanche et tels que vus par Jean-Baptiste Martin vers 1688-1690.


  1. It looks kind of dreamlike in your photo, Ciel. I see many people enjoying the good weather on the right side of the lake.

  2. Okay! I think I know where Swiss Lake is now! How very cool. I did see people in kayaks I think when we were there, although it was very cold.

    Love that painting...stunning!

  3. Wonderfully captured.

    Ciel, I love gargoyles and wish more building had them here in KC. When I was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a few years back I visited the Univ of Pennsylvania which has many, many gargoyles on their buildings. I have a few around my house...

  4. Anonymous10/5/11 03:16

    Your photo could be a painting :-)

  5. Là où les ciels des peintures et les réalités climatiques au moment où elles ont été peintes se rejoignent. Le site de Miss Yves en parlait il y a peu de temps, passionnant!

  6. Well, it's back to the workweek here and things are slightly less crazy. I certainly remember the Orangerie, one of the more charming excesses of the palace grounds. We should make a return visit when we are out your way in early September.

  7. I agree, your photo looks like a painting, too. Beautiful.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. That is amazing. Love the painting.

  9. magnifique, une vraie carte postale, et puis ce ciel...

  10. So, you walked a long, long ways to get a fantastic photo. Love the comparison with the painting. Brilliant post!

  11. Your picture is awesome, it's perfect to frame!
    This place is very beautiful!

  12. I am sure that this is the right season to see this place at its best!

  13. Amazing how little has changed! Love the scenery :D

  14. Oh what a gorgeous view and I love the lighting on the palace!

  15. Beautiful clouds and wonderful composition. It looks like a painting.

  16. Beautifully framed photo. It's nice to see that, while the landscape has changed a little, people still use it for recreation.

  17. Your photo could have been a painting too:)

  18. Your photos do take on a dreamlike quality, it's so peaceful.

  19. What a beautiful setting! And shot. And painting. :-)

  20. Hey, I was there 8 years ago - so beautiful. I love the way you frame this shot and the clouds really accentuate the mood. Well done!

  21. Beautiful photo as well as painting. I'm becoming quite cosmopolitan by visiting your blog. I had to look up "orangerie" to be sure I knew what you were referring to. Oh, the knowledge, it never stops! :)

  22. Magnificent place and your photo gives a marvelous context.



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