Sunday 5 December 2010

Tempête de neige, le monde en blanc

Snowstorm yesterday, a world in white. The storm didn't last though, it turned into icy rain by lunchtime. Still, here's to a week of snow photos!
C'était hier et la tempête n'a pas duré, il a commencé à pleuvoir gelé à l'heure du déjeuner. Pour autant, une semaine blanche va commencer sur VDP !


  1. How beautiful!


  2. I like to look at these pictures and I think this is wonderful, and I'll be watching for the others to come...but I'm so glad I don't have to slush through it or try to drive on it...

  3. Anonymous5/12/10 01:45

    Wow, it's really coming down! I love being outside because the snow absorbs so much of the sound and it's so peaceful.

  4. You had a lot of snow over there, didn't you. Thanks for visiting HDP. I always look forward to your observations.

  5. That is so beautiful. We have had promises of snow but still nothing. I don't think we'll see a white christmas this year.

  6. What a wonderful winter wonderland.

  7. That's a really, really pretty scene. It looks peaceful.

  8. You're so clever to take your camera out and about to capture the winter beauty while it lasts, Ciel... This is such a pretty photo... and exactly as Jacob says, I'll look forward to seeing the others, but glad I don't need to be there... brrrr... there's a reason I live in the tropics. :-D

  9. Yuck! It looks wet and dampy and cold. I must be in a horrible mood to say that----NOT!! MB

  10. Wow, what a view!!!

    I am still waiting for REAL snow..... perhaps we will get some later today?

    Keep warm and have a nice Sunday!:)

  11. Looking forward to a week of snow photos! Ours is still around and shows no sign of going!!

  12. Very pretty! The snow has mostly melted where I am, but as you say I still have many snow photos to post!

  13. Anonymous5/12/10 13:22

    What a beautiful picture. The foreground and the cropping makes it very different to how I imagine Versailles to be. It's so monolithic and cold that it almost reminds me of Soviet-era Russia!

  14. Very nice image for the season.

  15. Bring it on. But don't get a chill!

  16. Between 1996 and 2005, «Louis» visited France one or twice a year, including times during the winter. He lived in France between 2005 and 2007 - but he never saw one snowflake fall in France.

  17. Anonymous5/12/10 14:28

    Let it snow,
    let it snow...

    Beauty in snow scenes can't be duplicated any other way. Wow. We had an event like that yesterday and i photographed it too.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my blogging buddies...

    Patty, and Abe Lincoln
    Brookville, Ohio

  18. Wonderful whiteness! No going out today, I imagine...

  19. J'adore, les photos sous la neige c'est superbe. Ici la neige n'a fait que passer (meme pas le temps de sortir l'APN) mais a reussis a gacher une partie du telethon. J'attends la suite avec impatience

  20. Oh no, icy rain is cruel! Well, not very different from here!
    God bless you!

  21. I love snow storms, I figure if it's going to be cold, at least give me lots of snow too! We've already had snow this year here so maybe we'll get a really snowy winter, I'd like that.

  22. All the cliches apply - wow, winter wonderland, fairyland! Beautiful, beautiful photo!

  23. Oh that is amazing and wonderful. please send some snow this way.

  24. Snow is very picturesque isn't it? Love this image :O)

  25. "Semaine blanche", tu fais bien de prévenir, j'enfilerai mon bonnet à chaque fois que j'ouvrirai ma fenêtre chez toi !

  26. Bring on the snow photos Ciel, I'll love each and every one of them. This is a Christmas card photo. Wonderful.


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