Thursday 28 October 2010

Un poney... du Club Hippique de Versailles

Riding is big in Versailles, starting at a young age!
On commence tôt !


  1. That's good. If one is to be a horse person he/she needs to start young...

    Maybe Versailles is the "horse capitol of France"? We could make Ocala and Versailles "sister" cities based on our equine interests!

    I would, of course, have to visit Versailles and the Versailles horses to make sure they would up to our standards! Heh, heh!

    Well, could I at least come and visit?

  2. There are several horse farms within a mile of my home and one that's just down the street that boards and gives riding lessons. I see young girls faithfully practicing and cleaning up after their steeds.

    Sneakers??!! She needs boots!

  3. I learned some French vocabulary today. Never ran across the word hippique before. I also learned that it's okay for equestrians to wear pink socks.

  4. belle chaussette rose, j’espère qu'elle est fluo ;o))

  5. Love it!!!
    It looks like that pony likes the groceries a bit. LOL
    I always say my kids rode before they were born---and it's true. MB

  6. Même regard qu'Olivier: je trouve que la chaussette rose casse un peu le côté BCBG..:)), mais j'admire la complementarité des pièces rouges, ça, c'est la classe!:))))))

  7. A lucky kid. But where are the stirrups?

  8. @ all: this was a first, a trial if you like before deciding!

  9. I still remember the first time I mounted a horse, I was a kid, and was the last time either.

  10. The only thing I remember is to keep your heel down ;-D

  11. En effet, quelle belle robe, un poil dru et bien brossé
    Ce sont les petites filles (chaussettes roses) qui sont les plus nombreuses dans les clubs hippiques...

  12. Mostly teenage girls who are active riding here in Stavanger.

    A nice image!:)

  13. Surprisingly, it is pretty big here, as well.

  14. It's an elegant horse, wonderful shot!
    I love horses!
    Léia :)

  15. love that delicate pink sock.

  16. I laughed when I saw the pink sock and sneakers. My daughter rode when she was a pre-teen and they insisted on boots and riding breeches.

    Thanks for your educational note about pumpkins in Europe. The best part of the tradition here is carving faces into the pumpkins. Sometime on Sunday I will hollow out a couple of large pumpkins, carve frightening faces into them, and insert candles to light them from within and scare the children who go around "trick-or-treating" (i.e., collecting candy treats).

  17. I think it is also an expensive hobby. But a very fun one too!

  18. A great photo. The shoe and lovely pink sock perfectly ages the rider. It's nice she had the opportunity to get a trial ride and then decide if she wanted to pursue the hobby.

  19. Plenty of spaces to ride too. xxxx

  20. Very pretty shot - I like the quilted blanket.



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