Sunday 5 September 2010

L'Amour taillant son arc

Yesterday the temple, today the statue (the reason why I asked you for patience!), a copy of cupid fashioning a bow out of the club of Hercules (1750). The original statue by Edmé Bouchardon is now kept at the Louvre museum in Paris.
Hier le temple, aujourd'hui la statue, une copie de l'oeuvre d'Edmé Bouchardon conservée au Louvre à Paris : l'amour taillant son arc dans la massue d'Hercule (1750).


  1. Anonymous5/9/10 00:51

    The statue is beautiful and the details in the temple are amazing. I could spend hours with a zoom lens just capturing the details.

    Yes, we get an 'extra' day this weekend :-) I intended to extend it by taking Friday off, but the threat of Hurricane Earl put that off (thankfully, we got nothing). Maybe I'll take Tuesday off and have a 3 day week next week, the way all weeks should be!

  2. I must have missed this at the Louvre, too! Sheesh! Is it true that some women find Cupid erotic? ;-))

  3. Je me souviens bien de ce temple et sa statue. Tu les as magnifiquement prises.
    Pour le livre j'y pense...

  4. So this was what he was doing! Beautiful statue! And that second photo is gorgeous :D

  5. Ah, so beautiful. Nice capture. MB

  6. I hope Hercules will take this well...

  7. I faudrait qu'il soit un peu plus à ce qu'il fait, il regarde ailleurs, il va finir par se faire mal...Ü
    La statue et l'endroit sont si romantiques! Il y a une légende autour de cette histoire?Je sais qu'Hercule avait perdu sa bien-aimée par sa faute, c'est lié à ça?

  8. Quelle beauté Ciel, j´adore!

  9. The statue is wonderful! Such a handsome guy!

  10. Re reflections: I've been learning from you!

  11. Thanks so much for introducing the wonderful sculpture by the artist Edmé Bouchardon,wow XVIII century!
    This statue is lovely and I just need to see it at the Louvre!

  12. Wonderful. I don't recall Edme Bouchardon, but love this Cupid. Now I'll have to look him up. Also fascinating about the whimsical origin of Versaille history!

  13. Good to see Cupid at work! I knew there was more to him then just shooting arrows and watching people fall in love. Cool guy!

  14. Wonderful! Beautiful statue which you captured well.

  15. Lovely statue and great shot. I wonder - did Cupid ever have any successes?

  16. That really is beautiful and that blue sky is amazing!

  17. que faut il pas faire par amour...un bel endroit pour les amoureux

  18. Anonymous5/9/10 18:35

    Worth waiting for Cupid. Even the copy of the statue is wonderful.

  19. Just lovely. Even though a copy, it is a stunning sculpture.

  20. Beautiful Love Temple and great compositions, Ciel!


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