Monday 28 June 2010

Se rafraîchir

It was so hot on Saturday that there was a long queue to buy the delicious ice-cream at Notre-Dame covered market. I couldn't be bothered to stand in line, so I went here and got a peach and hazelnut one!
Il faisait tellement lourd samedi qu'il fallait patienter pour obtenir une glace aux halles Notre-Dame. Je n'avais pas envie d'attendre et suis allée ici. Résultat : noisette et pêche de vigne !


  1. I just took my son golfing in 107F temps (his idea) so your treat looks perfect!
    By the way, I look forward to your Wednesay post so I can see Versaille's version of Convent Ave.!

  2. Looks wonderful, but it appears to be melting fast. Time to put down the camera and get to it!

  3. Apres beaucoup de pluies il semble que vous ayez du soleil et de la chaleur estivale. Les marchands de glace font faire recette, surtout avec des parfums qui donnent envie...
    Tres bonne semaine a toi aussi.

  4. I am the king of impatience, I HATE lines. I'd say you made the right move, that looks really yummy. I can't say I've heard of peach and hazelnut.

  5. Oh Yum,peach and hazelnut.

  6. moi je craque pour la glace aux melons, hummmmmmmmm envie

  7. Oui, se rafraîchir commence à devenir l'obsession du moment..Si un jour tu viens ici, je t'emmène chez Fenocchio, les parfums de glace les plus déments! (tomate, pomme, violette, kiwi, chewing-gum, fraise tagada,etc..)

  8. Great photo! If that were an advertisement I'd be out the door to buy it.

  9. No lines for me in hot weather---just like you---head for home.

    By the end of the horse show it was raining here and cool all day. MB

  10. Super idée!Je suis envi de la crème glacée!Hmmmm

    ***"La mise en scène - cette expression est la même que ça dire: "pretending do something...""(?)
    Merci! :)

  11. I got my ice cream on Sunday: stracciatella e cioccolato, the queue was shorter here...

  12. This photograph has me drooling, Ciel.

  13. While you're there, would you mind ordering one for me?

  14. Oh that looks wonderful! It's hot and humid here, too.

  15. tes peche de vignes sont planté trop près du raisin ;-)

  16. mmm ice cream! Good to know where to go and miss the queues.

  17. Pêches de vigne? Un croisement avec des fraises peut-être? :-)

  18. Come out here and you can ride Jewel, that's shannon's horse. She is very genrle and only runs fast if you would want her to. MB

    PS. I will eat the ice cream. LOL MB

  19. Looks to me like you made the right choice. :)

  20. Quand y'a la queue chez San Luis, chez Guinon, on ne dit pas non.....

    C'est malin ! je n'ai pas diné, et j'ai bien envie de passer direct au dessert !

  21. «Louis» only likes two kinds of ice cream:
    1) home made
    2) store bought

  22. Chérie!Do not worry about that question, and thanks so much for you always support!
    Léia :)


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