Sunday 23 May 2010

Le Groupement Blindé de Gendarmerie Mobile...

The armoured mobile unit of the Gendarmerie is located in Versailles' Satory neighbourhood. More about the mobile unit here.
... est localisé à Satory. Plus d'infos ici et ici.


  1. Ah! «Louis’» knows about le 2 ème Blindé of Général le Clerc in World War II, too!

  2. Sad that they would be needed, but I have to admire any of the brave men and women who put themselves on the front lines of trouble and danger.

  3. So this is a "national" group...kind of like a French "Swat" team?

    Don't think I'd argue with that tank no matter what!

    And please fill your can't work well on an empty stomach! ;-)

  4. It's good to know they are there, if ever needed.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This reminds me, I've always wanted to ask this of someone who would know, but have never had the chance. When I was in Paris last summer, I took a picture of some policemen standing on the street. One of them saw me, and was VERY firm telling me no, and I had to erase the picture. Did I do a stupid tourist thing - are you not allowed to take pictures of police in France?
    Anyway, I'm blabbing. Your picture is interesting!!

  7. At ready--hopefully never to be called to action again. MB

  8. You and VP both have big guns today. I hope you're not fighting.

  9. This is very interesting, I guess Satory is the place of Eurosatory? Be ready for mid June!
    I have never realized before that it was a suburb of Versailles...

  10. @ VP: merci, I didn't even know...

  11. T. Becque a raison: tu fais des photos interdites!(mais bon, on ne te dénoncera pas..Ü)

  12. French is such a beautiful language. Gendarmerie sounds so lyrical. :-)


  13. Very fancy word for policemen. However, their department building could be just about anywhere.

  14. Not my favorite subject lol but it's necessary though I would prefer to see these kind of heavy vehicles hidden from the public.

  15. I think it would be unwise to attract the attention of the Gendarmerie officer driving the tank!


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