Wednesday 14 April 2010

Wednesday Doorway: la villa des roses

Roses villa. How quaint and charming! And happy birthday to my love!


  1. I agree with your words! I love the ironwork and especially the name in iron also. Just beautiful!

  2. Nice contrast between the building and the door and ironworks.

  3. I am glad to have a chance to visit your post. Seeing France tells me there is a world of order without red dust in your eyes.

  4. Now that is a villa! Rather more ornate than our little thing. And very lovely!

  5. Nice little villa doorway. I like the iron fence and balcony. And Happy Birthday to your love.

  6. Such a fetching place. Happy birthday to the lucky person in your life.

  7. That's a magnificent villa! It can be bought for a magnificent price, too, I guess, non?!
    Show us a photo of your love!

  8. Very sweet, Ciel! Charming photo with everything black and white.

  9. The wrought iron fence and balcony rails are so beautiful! Happy birthday to your love!

  10. Elegance in black and white, when a villa or a palace have a name they are always more intresting.

  11. Une maison sobre et très élégante! Et bon anniv' à l'heureux élu!

  12. Beautiful house. Let me know if it is ever for sale :)

  13. Et pas une seule rose sur un arceau ou sur la grille... Cependant ce nom "villa des roses" n'a pas été usurpé, n'est ce pas ?
    Notre jardin de famille, presque au coeur de la ville d'Epinal, était ceint d'un mur en pierres apparentes sur lequel une rose grimpante ancienne s'étirait, elle donnait une fois dans l'année des roses simples et parfumée au rose tendre, je ne sais pas son nom. Par contre j'ai récupéré un rosier buisson "cent feuilles", celui des poètes.
    De quelle couleur imagine tu alors la rose qui courait à cette villa ? Est-elle en bouton ou entrouverte ? Que dirait-elle en ce jour ?

  14. Tell him Happy Birthday from South Florida. Is there the possibility of a guest poster in the future?

  15. Are the roses missing from the villa because you gave them to him for his birthday?

  16. Where are the roses? ;-)

    For your sweetie: Zum Geburtstag viel Gluck!

  17. Delicate and lovely - sweet with roses.

  18. Les rosiers n'ont pas encore eu le droit au balcon!!
    Happy Birthday to your love also.

  19. Lovely façade detail! And happy birthday to your love.

  20. Love the wrought iron against the white stone.


  21. … and nobody said, "But darling, it's not my birthday!"

  22. Love all that beautiful wrought iron, especially on the balcony and window. Those goregeous, long windows. And of course happy birthday to your love.

  23. The ironwork is gorgeous! It really looks great with the pale grey backdrop of the building.

  24. Roses for your love.
    Is it too late for me to join in his birthday wishes?


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