Sunday 25 April 2010

Sunday Bridge Series: le pont de chemin de fer rive droite

To the best of my knowledge, this bridge over the railway tracks of Versailles Rive Droite train station doesn't have a specific name. The second photo is the view towards the station. To view more bridges, visit San Francisco Bay Daily Photo! (Photo taken a couple of weeks ago).
Ce pont n'a à ma connaissance pas de nom, il se trouve rue du Parc de Clagny et enjambe les rails de la gare Rive Droite. Pour voir d'autres ponts ce dimanche, rendez visite à San Francisco Bay Daily Photo ! (Photo prise il y a deux semaines).


  1. Anonymous25/4/10 00:26

    They are both nice looking photographs.

  2. A lovely bridge and I like very much the view of the railroad tracks. I envy your public transportation system!

  3. Excellent, Ciel!
    «Louis» has added the link at his Sunday Bridge V post!

  4. I too envy your transportation system; I think I had more fun figuring that out while in France than I did with actually seeing things (well, not really, but I still had fun!)!
    The pastel of the building and the bike rider lend this photo a prettiness and sweetness.

  5. And is that building a train station?

  6. Love bridges. I must have some name! :-)


  7. Fantastic bridge photo with the lovely building and fancy ironwork on the bridge railing!

  8. J'ai mis aussi un pont pour les trains.

    C'est interessant ton point de vue sur les rails.

  9. Photo #1--love the rhythm of the cast iron railing. And adore the little girl with her white anklets.

    Photo #2--impressed by the contrast between the shadows of the rail yard in comparison to the brightness of the sky.

    Thanks for these two, Ciel.

  10. Railroad bridges probably were christened at one time--but who remembers. Good shots. MB

  11. Rail tracks make me want to get on a train and go seeing places! :)
    God bless you!

  12. Nice!
    I love to hang out on bridges like that and watch the activity below.

  13. A pair of different and more close to earth views of Versailles. There is a real city beyond the gilded halls of the palaces!
    You have already posted many nice pictures of normal places around your city, but I like these much more and can't say why.

  14. The railing is really cool, I like the detail. I link the shot of the rails below. I have always been fascinated by trains, but have rarely ridden them.

  15. LOVE your first one with the bicycle rider.

  16. The painted iron railing is very appealing!
    My bridge shot is here:
    Walking Trail

  17. Name or no is a nice shot!

  18. Look at the lovely railing on this bridge! Yes, it's nice to see beyond the palaces, too.

  19. Ein wunderbares Haus mit einem sehr liebevollen Anstrich. Ich bin mir sicher, dass sie einen Namen hat diese schöne Brücke ... wie auch immer, Deine Bilder sind absolut zauberhaft!!

    liebe Grüße

  20. a bridge I would definitely enjoy riding my bicycle over!

  21. I love the pink building just over the bridge.

  22. La photo du haut est assez sympa, l'oeil circule bien dans la photo. Le velo meme si sa position n'est pas ideale apporte un peu de vie.


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