Saturday 24 April 2010

Les plaques à toile de Jouy au musée Lambinet

Inside Lambinet museum. The copper plaques were used to make the famous toile de Jouy fabric. Jouy-en-Josas, a small city next to Versailles where Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf established his fabric manufacture in 1759, was once part of the king's great park and even today, it is still a member of Versailles' community of towns.
Les plaques de cuivre étaient utilisées pour fabriquer la toile de Jouy. Jouy-en-Josas, la petite commune où Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf installa sa manufacture de tissus en 1759 , faisait à l'époque partie du Grand Parc du domaine royal. De nos jours encore, elle fait partie de la communauté d'agglomération de Versailles, dite du Grand Parc.


  1. Well, that's certainly interesting. I'm not quite sure I understand how copper plaques can be used to make fabric, but if you say so...

    And it seems to me people utilized some very uncomfortable furniture many years ago! :-)

  2. Very interesting. I would never have thought of using copper plaques to create a beautiful piece of fabric.

  3. I can imagine a plaque reading Le roi Louis X-- mit sa bas grande ici, although that's probably terrible French. Rank hath its privileges.

  4. Boy, I hope toile is still made in this little village. Such beautiful fabric.

  5. Gosh! Is this the same Oberkampf of the rue and metro stop? Years ago I spent a few weeks nearby and I was still convinced it was some minor Napoleonic battle!

  6. Very enlightening today. Thanks.

  7. Interesting and beautiful post. The reflections post is also a beauty.

    Regarding my dog Bingo--He is a funny silly 'Baby Huey' type of dog but also has his serious moments. MB

  8. Interesting pieces of furniture! They look very beautiful.

  9. I'm trying to imagine myself as a baron or count and having furniture like that in my little castle!

  10. Like others, I would never have thought that copper plates were used in fabric making. I wonder how they figured out to do that.

  11. @ All: the copper plaques were used to print the fabric.

  12. une petite sieste dans un canapé pour me remettre du plein de soleil pris en ....

    Bretagne et oui (jalouse ?)

  13. Nice sofa, but not very comfortable !

  14. J'en avais entendu parler mais jamais vu ..

  15. On n'a pas le droit de se prélasser sur les fauteuils, on dirait ! Le canapé est encore disponible......pour attendre jusqu'à 23 h d'être reçue par le médecin.

  16. Très bien vu! Amusant et efficace style louis XVI


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