Friday 18 December 2009

Vous avez déjà votre sapin ?

It snowed quite heavily yesterday. I spent over 5 hours in my car trying to get to and from work. Absolute chaos due to ice, snow and public transport strikes. Still, thanks to my boss, because I live pretty far away from the office, I got to go home early and managed to sneak to the flower market. Not many flowers but lots of trees!
Il a neigé assez fort hier, j'ai passé plus de 5 h dans ma voiture... Merci à mon responsable qui du fait que je suis la plus éloignée m'a permis de partir super tôt. Du coup, j'en ai profité pour faire un détour par le marché aux fleurs où il n'y a pas beaucoup de fleurs en ce moment mais une myriade de sapins !


  1. The main challenge I meet walking to work could be a red traffic light, which I usually ignore...

  2. Five hours! I hope you had a good CD or a good radio station on. What a drag. I can imagine you getting out to the flower store and enjoying being out of the car and traffic. The colors, once again, are very striking. I keep a Paris weather bug on my home page on the hard drive, and it said, "Light Snow" for Paris. It's not always accurate - or does Versailles have different weather? :)

  3. Oh when it snows and covers the roads in Birmingham it's the same chaos. It is so very lovely though. I'm praying for a little when I come this janvier!!! That would be delightful.

  4. Good grief! Do you work in Belgium? ;-) Five hours in a car to and from work is horrible! And probably quite frightening with the chaotic scene you described.

    But your photograph is lovely and it must have been some comfort to be confronted by these snow-dusted Xmas trees and flowers.

    Nice boss, too!

  5. That's so surprising. You don't get much snow, do you? I saw something in the newspaper about a more ecologically sensitive approach: it is delivered to your house in a big pot of soil. After the holiday, the seller picks it up and plants it.

  6. Very nice shots. I like how the forms/shapes in each photo, although not mirror images, are similar in structure.

    I tell you if I had to spend 5 hours getting back and forth to work I would cry. Having said that, snow in Alabama has the same effect: messy traffic.

  7. Pretty comes with a price. The snow covered trees are beautiful and snow does make it seem more Christmas-like.

  8. Thanks as usual for your kind comments. I see from my weather underground that it is still snowing. It may cause a traffic snarl but it sure beautifies your landscape even more.

  9. 5 hours to commute to and from work?! Poor you. Glad you were able to shop for flowers to brighten your day.

  10. Glad your day had a happy end, at least, among the flowers and trees.

  11. le desavantage d'habiter a cote de son boulot, on te fait pas partir plus tot ;o)) j'ai un tout petit petit sapin de noel, juste de la taille pour qu'amedee puisse mettre sa chaussette de noel ;o)

  12. Hmmm,5 heures dans une voiture, c'est beaucoup pour une seule journée!
    Je pense que je serais très inquiete et nerveux, même si vous avez beaucoup d'humour, et souvenait encore des fleurs!
    Léia :)

  13. @ VP: what a horrible life you lead! ;-)

  14. Oh, my, that looks beautiful. But I can definitely imagine the headaches. As to letting you know if I ever come near Paris, CQ, mais oui!

  15. Pour ma par pas trop de mal pour rejoindre la banlieue Nord où je travaille. J'aurais préféré rester à Paris et prendre des photos de la ville sous la neige. Peut-être ce weekend s'il en reste.

  16. Il va falloir me brader tous ces sapins....L'échéance arrive.....
    On attendait la neige, mais la voirie n'était pas prête, on dirait...Tout est une question de timing. Des vacances en perspective ? La Bretagne ?

  17. Snow and cold in Paris and on top of that a transit strike. Oh no!!! I think it is called WINTER. Stay home! LOL MB

  18. bon moi j'ai pas encore installé le sapin je suis tellement fainéant cette année que je vais mettre les guirlandes un peu partout le sapin restera se reposer au grenier

  19. I'm glad your boss let you go early but five hours is a very long time to be in a car just to get to and from work!

  20. Very pretty but what a mess.

  21. It's the same deal wherever it snows. Everyone is surprised and no one is prepared. Go figure!

  22. Thanks for sharing these charming photos, Ciel. We are predicted to get some good snow this weekend. Unfortunately, it will be accompanied by high winds as a nor'easter is coming also.


  23. Five hours--horrors. Glad you made it safely home. We are on pins and needles right now. A severe snowstorm in Maryland may make it difficult for my son to fly to Florida to meet us for the cruise. I don't think I can hold a cruise ship hostage until he gets here. Hopefully, he'll make in time.

  24. Ain't nothing like a good old strike when you need the service! ;) Kudos to all understanding bosses wherever they are.

  25. I'm sorry you spent so much time in the car, but having lived in la regionne parisienne I can sympathize. Lucky you have an understanding boss - there are not many of those these days!

    I do have my xmas tree. It's an artificial one though, so it was pretty easy going. I love real ones though. The smell of pines is intoxicating!

    Happy weekend!

  26. @ Bob: well... we are supposed to get snow more often than we do. And yes, that sounds like a great alternative.

  27. Snow here causes much the same sort of problems, even just 2 or 3cm causes chaos on the roads and railways and airports.....!!!!!


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