Tuesday 1 December 2009

December City Daily Photo Theme Day: Waiting

Waiting is a theme that didn't inspire me much and I had very little time to go in search of inspiration. So here goes: waiting for the prescription at a city centre chemist's and waiting to be served at la Maison Beaudet. Happy Theme Day.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Le thème "attendre" ne m'a pas beaucoup inspirée et je n'ai pas non plus eu beaucoup de temps pour chercher de l'inspiration. Voici donc, l'attente à la pharmacie et l'attente d'être servi à la Maison Beaudet. Bonne journée à thème !


  1. Nice idea, we spent a life in queues...

  2. Well, you did a great job, not once, but twice. And I really can relate to these photos...as VP says, we spend a lot of time waiting in lines for something or other. Tomorrow morning is a routine check-up at the doctor's office and I can guarantee you that it will involve a long wait!

  3. I think you did fine for the theme!

    Thanks for your suggestion. I ene=ded up downloading the 4 photos to the desktop and then roating them and then uploading to blog. I put my wreaths on for post today instead and the tree lighting will be on tomorrow.

  4. Good effort, both shots relate a story that we can all relate to.

    I wasn't much inspired by the theme for this month either so you will not find anyone waiting on line in blog post.

  5. Waiting. . . something that can be annoying unless you use it as an excuse to people watch or take photos (maybe at the same time).

  6. Great job on the theme, inspired or not, you did well! Happy Theme Day :)

  7. lorsqu'un theme ne t'inspire pas il faut attendre le suivant (mais l'autoportrait est difficile)

  8. Interesting interpretation. I'm still debating what I'm going to post tomorrow too.

  9. you made a good choice that we all relate to, waiting at places but with very different ambiance.

  10. Ciel, your camera can make any mundane situation into a magical photograph.

  11. bien vu, et cela ne fait que commencer ;o))

  12. Well I'd not have thought of either of this. Well done. Nice choices. Don't we all wait and wait to be served, especially for something good!

  13. Seems like we do spend a great deal of time WAITING in shops and stores!

  14. De belles lumieres dans celle du bas avec une atmosphere de Noel.

  15. I am still waiting for some inspiration.

  16. Both good choices. Waiting can be a pain in the patootie. LOL MB

  17. I felt the same way about today's theme until something hit me. I actually like all the different takes on waiting I've seen though. And yours is no exception. Happy theme day! :)

  18. We DO spend a lot of time waiting, don't we?

  19. Il n'y avait pas de queue au centre de vaccination de Versailles?...
    J'aime assez attendre dans une pharmacie toute la parapharmacie me tente assez!!!

  20. Ah, as long as there are professional waiters we're all simply amateurs...

  21. Waiting... I spend my weeks, every week, waiting for the weekend. La vie est-elle donc une salle d' attente?

  22. Oh, I hate waiting in line. I think you've done a perfect job for Theme Day. No one likes to wait in line!

  23. Lines everywhere, in banks, theaters, concerts, the art of be patient. Great choice for this theme.

  24. En attente de noël of course. Nous entrons bientôt dans la période de l'avent... Tu n'auras pas acheté ton calendrier chez Beaudet en tous les cas

  25. Two perfect situations for the theme day.
    Enjoy your stay in Germany! :-)


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