Monday 30 November 2009

Encore un samedi de fête foraine

Saturday week I walked past the fair again, I had already shown you a couple of shots here. I thought these kids floating about and the little biker on the toll motorway were cute and colourful!
Samedi, je suis repassée près de la fête foraine que je vous ai déjà montrée ici. J'ai trouvé rigolos et colorés ces enfants qui flottent et le petit motard sur l'autoroute... à péage, naturellement !
Thank you very much Louis La Vache from San Francisco Bay Daily Photo for this wonderful award! Check out this blog, Louis has got the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises!


  1. I saw that on the portal and thought you had fallen into a vat mixed full of various colors...these photos are brilliant and intense. And cute!

  2. Une ambiance de fete. Tres joli.
    Bonne semaine!!

  3. Your photo absolutely popped out in the portal that I just had to visit. Fun!

  4. It is very colorful and looks like a great place for a kid to go.

  5. Beautiful and Colorful Shots !! Congratulations on the Award Too !!

  6. I just love the colors and images in the top photo. It's like a piece of art or a box of jewelry. Lovely!

  7. The colors are fantastic. the little one riding the scooter is great. It looks like fun. Wait for me! MB

  8. original "l'autoroute à peage", comme quoi on doit toujours payer ;o)))

  9. these are wonderfully cute and colorful images!

  10. These places are always perfect for some nice and colorful photos.

  11. Lorsque nous allons à Versailles depuis Cergy via St Saint-Germain-en-Laye (sa forêt) nous passons près de la Fête des Loges. C'est en été tous les ans et pas en automne. Est ce qu'il y a une friandise dont tu raffoles ? Dans l'est de la France ce sont les mascottes, hyper sucrées. Je m'en enfile dix à la suite et après je suis tranquille pour un moment avec mes envies.

  12. Elle n'a pas un petit nom d'ailleurs cette fête ? A Pontoise (Cergy-Pontoise > Cergipontin)
    c'est la foire St Martin, autour du 11 novembre.

  13. Very colourful and I bet crowded with happy people.

  14. It certainly is more than simply colorful.

  15. I like all the colors. So vibrant!

  16. I remember enjoying similar rides at fairs when I was young, but these are so much more colorful! I love that swan boat. :)

  17. Just what the doctor ordered for getting us through November.

  18. The colours look so unreal! Fantastic shot!

  19. What fun! Your colors are vibrant, as always.



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