Wednesday 21 October 2009

Wednesday Doorway: l'hôtel de police, avenue de Paris

Today's doorway is located on the avenue de Paris. It was formerly king Louis the 15th's last mistress Madame Du Barry's home (which I have shown you here) and is now used as police HQ. Photo taken in September.
C'est dans ce qui fut l'hôtel particulier de la dernière favorite de Louis XV, Madame Du Barry (que je vous montrais ici) que se trouvent les locaux de la police. Photo prise en septembre.


  1. Very powerful doorway! Beautiful indeed!

  2. Quite a doorway, I can only imagine what you have in store for the next Theme Day...

  3. Now that's my kind of doorway. Great idea. I've been looking for something special for the cottage! ;)

  4. I think we are about to have a shift again where putting so much detail and love in our work will truly show the quality that eminates from deep inside of us.

  5. Impressive doorway. Wasn't Madame Du Barry lucky.

  6. Interesting that it became a police station! lol

  7. Madame Du Barry est bien garder.

  8. Impressive doorway. I also read your previous post. Very interesting.

  9. It reminds me a bit of the police doorway in Paris used in the Pink Panther movies...

    Big and beautiful! You may want to post this again for the "Door" theme on Nov. 1?

  10. a gorgeous doorway but also an amazing history of reuses. i can't imagine going through such a beautiful doorway to see a police officer.

  11. Ils sont installes dans un tres beau batiment la police. L'entree est magnifique.

  12. I've been gone a while, friend! Sorry about that. Thanks for stopping by my blog occasionally. Interesting that they've turned it into a police building. It's beautiful for sure!

  13. The doorway and arch are exhilirating. If you think my picture was a book cover, then any of yours should be used in a travel guide of your wonderful city.

  14. @VP: ummmm, let's say it's slightly grander!

  15. @ Per: I imagine you'll have to add a floor... or two! ;-)

    @ Jacob: nope, I've got something better lined up!

  16. après ton braquage de la banque de France, tu t'es retrouvé à l'hôtel de police, on peut pas réussir a tout les coups ;o)

  17. En voila une porte qu'il vaut sans doute mieux contempler de l'exterieur que de l'interieur.
    Ils faisaient vraiment dans le grandiose, a l'epoque!!!

  18. It is a lovely doorway....I imagine you had a hard time picking which lovely doorway to shoot as I remember in France there sure are a lot of lovely doors!

  19. Encore une belle porte. J’en suis sure qu’il ne manque pas a Versailles.

  20. A beautiful doorway. It's always heartwarming to see how Europeans recycle their interesting buildings instead of tearing them down to make way for the new, as North Americans tend to do.

  21. De bien beaux locaux ! Cela impose tout de suite le respect des forces de l'ordre....Sourire

  22. Belle photographie, il s'agit d'un service de police est très chic!Cette porte est jolie!

  23. Very impressive doorway, but the little alumnium sidedoor spoils the effect of all that grandeur. Nice find.

  24. What a beautiful photograph, Ciel!!! Oh, I love this.



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