Thursday 13 August 2009

Versailles fait courir l'encre... et la lentille

As a complete and utter bookworm, I cannot help but stop in bookshops. A couple of them store a good selection of books on Versailles which is a continual source of inspiration to writers, painters, photographers, historians. Most books are photographic and/or historical... I am told that the book "l'amour à Versailles" or "love in Versailles", seen here in the middle, is extremely... umm... entertaining, so I might stop next time to purchase it!
En tant que rat de ma bibliothèque, je ne peux généralement pas résister à un arrêt chez les libraires. Plusieurs d'entre eux proposent une bonne sélection d'ouvrages sur Versailles, essentiellement photographiques et/ou d'histoire pour cette ville source d'inspiration continuelle pour les écrivains, historiens, photographes. J'ai ouï dire que le livre "l'amour à Versailles" est... euh... divertissant mais peut-être un peu racoleur, aussi m'arrêterai-je peut-être une fois prochaine pour l'acquérir et le dévorer quand l'envie m'en prendra !


  1. Interesting book, I hope to read here a review soon. A bookworm myself, I'd have a look at Les jardins initiatiques, I find this kind of book very funny.

  2. "L'amour 'a Versailles" book .... give us all the juicy details! As good as the news in "Paris Match?"

  3. I don't read very much but I like looking at pictures. If this book has pictures they might make me blush. :-)

  4. I love books too. When I was still working, I headed for the bookstore every payday. Now, I have to be more choosey. I taught my kids to love books too and they do the same thing.

  5. Even i appreciate books..I have my own book shop named"crosswords" ...Great,..Unseen Rajasthan

  6. Vive l'amour, vive l'amour . . . [singing]

    Hope they have a section of such books in English too.
    Since I moved to the Jerusalem area (in 2006), I now have Jerusalem guide books always in my backpack, stacked near the bed, on the desk, even in the bathroom. So yeah, I know what you mean. Isn't it nice to be in love with your city?!

  7. "l'amour à Versailles" il doit y avoir de quoi raconter des histoires croustillantes, on attend des extraits ;o)

  8. Mais je ne vois pas le livre de photo de'une quimperoise

  9. I have dreams that I'm visiting there! wow so, let me start with books now!

  10. If I have an addiction, it's books! As juicy as the one on love in Versailles looks, I'd have to wait for the translation, I'm afraid.

  11. I was about to say they forgot Lonely Planet and Rough Guide (my travel Bibles), but maybe there are no specific editions on Versailles, or Versailles is included on the Paris guides.

  12. I hope they offer an English translation soon.

  13. A great picture of my favorite things--books and my favorigte palces--book stores.

  14. I also love books! I keep a supply of unread books at all times so I always have something good to read. Sometimes my husband doesn't understand this. :)

  15. Anonymous13/8/09 22:43

    Lovely photo. I have an inner bookworm, but it keeps being suppressed by the demands of daily life!

  16. Yeah, I'll bet it's entertaining!

  17. Bookstores are magical places. It's impossible for me to pass by a bookstore and not take a good look at what's in the window. Soon temptation takes over and before I know it I'm inside the store and a little while later I'm outside again...with a new book or two. Pure magic! I don't know how those new books join me as I walk out the door. ;-)

  18. So L'Amour a Versailles is not about fondness of the architecture or gardens? Perhaps more like Les Liasons Dangereux.

  19. Lol @ Bob!
    @JM: there are a couple of travel guides on Versailles only, one is actually pictured here. But they are in French and I wouldn't be surprised if Versailles were to be included in the Paris guides or Ile de France ones (Ile de France being the region around Paris).


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