Friday 14 August 2009

Chemin de campagne

Last week, after work, I decided I needed some fresh air and went for a walk in the countryside. Well... meaning, the palace grounds of course! When it isn't crowded, it does look a bit like country lanes, doesn't it?
Un soir de la semaine dernière j'ai eu envie d'aller prendre l'air de la campagne après le boulot. La campagne en question, c'est le parc du château. Quand il est (presque) désert, comme ici, on se croirait presque sur un chemin de campagne, non ?


  1. Nothing better, if you can take your time, avoid the crowds and have such a lovely place at hand.

  2. Yes, it does look like the country. It looks very relaxing. Here, they don't trim the trees evenly in the countryside :) I like both roads a lot.

  3. Oh, memories! We've walked those fact, Lois ran a bit down that second path bordered by the trees!


  4. You could have fooled me! It DOES look like the country. It looks like a lovely place to walk.

  5. That looks like a very nice plce for a walk.

  6. I really like the soft effect. It makes for a quiet scene. But those trees are too pruned and evenly spaced to be out in the countryside.

  7. What would we do without nature close-by?
    Have a good walk.

  8. I never tire of the lovely roads with the clipped trees in France. What a tranquil spot for an after work stroll. So green and beautiful.

  9. I should walk more. But I've gotten lazy here in the US where you just drive wherever you need to go.

    Happy weekend!

  10. What a lovely place to stretch your legs after a days work. How lucky to have such a refuge to turn to.

  11. You had me fooled as well. Are those beech trees?

  12. So beautiful. doesn't it say 'come, walk with me' and I am right there. MB

  13. Beautiful! I could be there right now, it looks much cooler than here. It's really hot and UV radiations are dangerous these days...

  14. Well, the palace grounds are so huge that it parts of it indeed look like countryside... Beautiful place!
    God bless you!

  15. Yes, and it is so beautiful and calm! Lovely rows of trees and shades of green:)

  16. Next time we come to France, we hope to walk that path with you.

  17. OK, yes the trees are trimmed as Bob pointed out so that it *isn't* a country lane. It's the best I can get nearby though and it's very enjoyable when there aren't thousands of people!


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