Monday 8 June 2009

Le mois Molière

June is Molière month in Versailles. A month of plays, concerts, exhibitions and conferences celebrating the great Jean-Baptiste Pocquelin, better known as Molière (1622 - 1673) , one of the world's best classic playwrights, whose plays were favoured at Louis the 14th's court. More about the fascinating Molière this way. Several events are held every day in June at over 40 venues, some are free, some aren't, there's street theatre, there are professional actors but also amateurs and acting students. It's usually fun but this year I won't have many opportunities to check out all the wonderful talents... Info about Molière month is here, albeit in French.
Juin à Versailles rime avec Molière. Un mois de pièces de théâtre, d'expos, de conférences et de concerts célébrant le grand Jean-Baptiste Pocquelin, chouchou de la cour de Louis XIV. Tenus dans plus de 40 lieux différents, à raison de plusieurs par jour, les événements sont tantôt gratuits, tantôt payants, il y a du théâtre de rue, du théâtre classique, des acteurs professionnels et du théâtre amateur et universitaire. C'est généralement super sympa, mais cette année je n'aurai pas l'occasion de beaucoup m'y rendre. Pour ceux veulent se rafraîchir la mémoire au sujet de Molière, c'est par ici. Pour ceux qui auraient des envies, le programme c'est par ici.


  1. It sounds like a treat to have so many Moliere events in June.

    Your link to the wikipedia entry is broken, here is a working link: Moliere

  2. A great way to celebrate the man who wrote: "The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them." Beautiful houses show in the background of your picture. Have a fine week.

  3. Lovely! I wish I could be there!

  4. what a perfect photo to let us all know about this wonderful month of events. I wish I was there. I did not know about this special month of events. It sounds like you will have lots of great photo opportunities.Thanks for your comments on the Phoenician and Camelback Mountain series on my site. I am glad you are enjoying it.

  5. belle affiche, il fait héros de film de cape et d'épée. Tu vas pouvoir bien profiter pendant un mois.

  6. What an interesting place to be during the month of June. I'd want to attend all the events.

  7. Thanks Clueless, the link now works.

  8. «Louis» recalls that Molière performed one of his works (perhaps more than one) at Vaux-le-Vicomte. Here's «Louis's» post about Vaux-le-Vicomteat his now-defunct "Frog Blog."

  9. Heureusement qu'il y avaient des rois pour subventionner le thêatre et pour améliorer les légumes et les fruits : faire progresser la culture sous toutes ses formes (d'où le potager du roi au service de sa gourmandise > bcp de variétés proviennent et portent le nom de coins de la région parisienne)

  10. Ciel, sounds like you might be too busy to attend. Wish I could go in your place, sounds like a great event.

  11. How lucky you are for living in such cultural exciting place!I'm envious here! I would love to attend some those events there!
    Have a great time and don't forget your camera! :-)

  12. The photograph is lovely - appropos and colorful! Why won't you be able to participate in these exciting events?

    Please note that I've awarded you the Golden Blog Award! This is another special and prestigious award for people who love photography, poetry, writing, etc.

    You may pick up the award at my poetry blog, Creative Confections -

    Congratulations and have a great day!

  13. A whole month playing tribute to Molière! It must be fantastic!

  14. 40 représentations : mais qu'allait il faire sur cette galère ?

  15. Sounds like stimulating fun. My wife and I saw his tomb when we were in Paris earlier this year.

  16. Je vais demander un permis de séjour pour le mois de Juin Versaillais.


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