Wednesday 27 May 2009

Promenade touristique

Jacob and Lois Anne at The Villages Daily Photo love their golf carts. Well... here's the Versailles palace golf cart. Extremely expensive to rent but fantastic to get around the HUGE grounds.
Jacob et Lois Anne de The Villages Daily Photo aiment beaucoup ces petits véhicules de golf. Voici donc la version versaillaise : horriblement chers à louer mais tellement pratiques pour se déplacer dans l'immensité du parc du château.


  1. The golf cart really should look more palace like! They will have to fix that I think.

  2. Inhomogeneity par excellence!
    It shapes well and that matters a great photo.

  3. Very cute, Ciel...

    From experience, I would say rent a golf cart! The grounds are huge and there is so much to see...

    Steffe's right, though. I think those in charge need to check out some golf carts in The Villages to gain some ideas as to upgrading their golf carts to make them more appropriate to the Palais de Versailles...

  4. Le petit train derriere n'est pas mal non plus!!

  5. The golf cart does look quite out of place on those beautiful grounds.

  6. I agree with Steffe! they should paint it gold or something! But then I guess that it would be even more expensive!

  7. What a fantastic photo, architecture is gorgeous.

    Regina In Pictures

  8. originale comme moyen de transport, mais je préfère la marche à pied (remarque, c'est vrai qu'au bout d'une journée de balade dans le château de Versailles, cela doit faire du bien ;o) )

  9. I suppose if you want to get around all of the grounds its good, but then you see so much more walking. You mentioning expensive, reminded me when we went to the Lourve, a packet of crisps there cost 3 Euros, the same crisps here cost 40 pence.

  10. It's sounds good but I think I could prefer enjoying the place walking around and looking for the perfect angle for a good shot very easy.
    Beautiful picture

  11. D'accord avec Olivier je préfère aussi la marche mais je conçois que c'est un moyen sympa pour les personnes à mobilité réduite qui peuvent ainsi profiter des lieux.
    I agree with Olivier prefering to walk but I understand that it's a good idea for disabled people who can use the chart to fully enjoy the place.

  12. I also prefer to walk but I'm glad there is the chance to rent them. Nice composition!

  13. J’aime les voiturettes sur le golf mais pas dans le domaine de Versailles. Mais je comprends que c’est plus faciles pour les employés de se déplacer. En tout cas, jolie photo. Je vois que les beaux temps arrivent !

  14. this is unique. I too would prefer to walk but what a good idea to allow some folks to get around the grounds. Good tie in to Jacob and the golf carts of Florida.

  15. I would be happy to walk round the beautiful grounds.

  16. Anonymous27/5/09 22:14

    I think I'd definitely go for one of those these days! I'm getting too old!

  17. In spite of the golf cart, I would expect that there isn't a golf course in sight?

  18. Are renters allowed to drive themselves or does someone chauffeur you around in it? My son would have a blast zipping around the grounds, but he may knock over a few of those antique pots!

  19. Although I would much prefer to walk, I think it's great there's a way for everyone to get around. I just hope those who ride don't leave for the gym to get some exercise. ;-)


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