Thursday 28 May 2009

Cathédrale Saint-Louis et poiriers

Saint-Louis cathedral seen through promising pear trees at the king's vegetable garden, not far from the Orangerie. It is a wonderful place, created between 1678 and 1683 that has for the most part remained as it was then. You can read all about it by clicking here. Below are some of the pear varieties that are found in Versailles.
La cathédrale Saint-Louis, vue au travers de poiriers qui promettent une belle récolte au Potager du Roi, non loin de l'Orangerie. C'est un endroit merveilleux, créé entre 1678 et 1683 et globalement inchangé de nos jours. Pour plus d'infos, c'est par ici. Ci-dessous, certaines des variétés de poiriers cultivées à Versailles.


  1. I am truly impressed with your photographic skills! This is a magnificent composition - everything is right on! Be proud!

  2. I also loved this picture's composition! Stunning shot!

  3. Nice photo seen through pear tree. It makes me feel like I'm really there, sneaking a peek at the way the royals live. ;-)

  4. Great idea for framing the subject. I'm afraid our Saint Louis cathedral doesn't have any pear trees growing around it, or much of anything else edible.

  5. I love the pear tree in the foreground with the limb adding to the framing. This is an excellent composition.


  6. I've got a pear tree in fact but it's frightfully old now and I bet this one is in a lot better shape.

  7. Its amazing that it was built in five years. A plentiful of craftsmen and labour I guess.

  8. superbe première photo, avec ce cadre naturel autour de cathedrale

  9. Excellent image of the Cathedral framed by the leaves.

  10. It's me again...I looked at this photo again...and it finally hit me: This could be a vintage postcard! That's exactly what it looks like. Fabulous!

  11. J’aime bien cette photo. L’arbre fait un joli cadre du paysage.

  12. Anonymous28/5/09 15:53

    Verdant and green. Wonderful.

  13. L'oeil du potager...
    les cils en branches de poirier s'ouvrent sur la cathedrale...
    Les fruits et legumes sont ils en vente pour la consommation?

  14. Your photo-works grown better and better!

  15. Oh, this is a lovely shot. I love the close-up of the pear tree that so beautifully frames the stunning edifice in the background. Well done!

  16. Superbe on dirait le générique d'un dessin animé avec le chateau vu de l'arbre

    Quelles couleurs !!

  17. Imagine, la vue aurait pu être la même, ily a plus de 300 ans ! Si ce n'est pas merveilleux d'avoir su préserver l'environnement...

  18. Magnifique prise de vue Ciel.

  19. Wonderful composition. Your pictures just keep getting better and better.

  20. Fantastic composition!

  21. Great composition- original too as far as I'm concerned. I've never seen anything close to a duplicate shot at SLC.


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