Saturday 23 May 2009

Le grand canal

The grand canal in the palace grounds.


  1. Wow, this is really massive! Very beautiful!
    God bless you!

  2. I have several shots like this one except when we were there it was so cold most people did not venture out on the grounds.

    Thanks for the memories!

  3. Oh, I recognize that! If I lived where you do I buy a yearly pass to the palace and grounds and go shoot there over and over.

  4. Beautiful, simply beautiful. That is the iconic shot of Versailles. I love it.

  5. What a fantastic photo! There's so much to see and everything — the sculptures, the gardens and the canal — are so beautiful!

  6. Oh, I could spend days there walking and photographing. That is simply amazing.

  7. Look at the height of those hedges!
    Are those boats on the water? Fun.

    Can you believe I've never seen France. Except for a 24-hour visit to Taize. Thanks for showing me all that I missed.

  8. Great shot of a wonderful park.

  9. @ Bob Crowe: I wish I had the courage. The crowds just kind of repel me... Yesterday was so beautiful (raining now) that I shot enough to keep me going for a while!
    @ Dina: well, I've never been to Taizé... ;-)

  10. Beautiful. great series. Look at the long curly hair on Andre. MB

  11. Oh! Wow! Wonderful place! I would like to spend there all day:) Excellent photo! Thanks for sharing!

  12. un peu d'élan et hop un plongeon vite fait losqu'il fait chaud

  13. It's certainly a beautiful place :o)
    Must get there again sometime, my previous visit was a bit rushed in '95 when I was taking part in the Paris - Brest - Paris bike ride...

  14. Mr. le Notre knew what he was doing! This perspective is just fabulous!

  15. Dont the trees and grass look good. i think this is the best time of year.

  16. Anonymous23/5/09 23:55

    This is what I think of when I think of Versailles - it has been over 20 years since I was there, but this is the bit I remember (except I also remember the weather wasn't as good as this!).

  17. I bet you'd like Taize. Got a week to be there with the young people?

  18. Un canal rigoureusement droit encadré par ces arbres taillés au carré, on aime la rigueur à Versailles.
    Belle perspective, si agréable baignée de soleil.

  19. Wonderful shot. I had no idea the palace grounds were so extensive!


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