Sunday 22 March 2009

Le Petit Trianon, acte II, scène II

This, to me, is one of the most beautiful staircases I've known. Easy going steps "à l'italienne", i.e. quite flat, a simple design yet striking with Marie-Antoinette's initials on the railing. It's probably its simplicity that appeals to me! The floor is beautiful marble, but though I did wait for a lull, it never came! Le Petit Trianon's architect was Ange-Jacques Gabriel.
Ceci est pour moi un des plus beaux escaliers que je connaisse. Des marches faciles "à l'italienne", une rambarde superbe avec les initiales de Marie-Antoinette. C'est sans doute cette beauté toute simple qui me plaît tant ! Le sol est un très beau marbre, j'ai attendu en vain qu'il y ait moins de passage... L'architecte du Petit Trianon fut Ange-Jacques Gabriel.


  1. An ornate and beautiful staircase you have showm us. Timing is everything with the crowds of tourists. Wonderful photos!

  2. Thank you for these great shots of a grandiose internal staircase.

  3. That is a gorgeous staircase, awesome photos.

    Regina In Pictures

  4. There is just something about staircases - I like them all (well almost all). This one is truly special for several reasons, not the least being that Marie A herself used it. And, of course, it is truly magnificent.

    Again, thanks for showing us these special photos!

  5. You have captured it so well also. I, too, enjoyed seeing it.

    I have found that although I can't access your comment box on my own computer, I can if I go to the community room in our apartment building and post from there.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog several times now.

  6. Agreed, absolutely gorgeous, such fantastic photography from your part of the work.

  7. It is beautiful! I like your perspective!

  8. Beautiful, as is the whole series so far. MB

  9. It is such a beautiful staircase

  10. Gorgeous!

    And a great thing that Marie Antoinette's initials survived the revolution.

  11. These are a treat! I wasn't able to visit the Petite Trianon when I was there. Thank you.

  12. Beautiful, as always!
    Oh, and guess what?? I nominated you for a Kreative Blogger Award! You can copy it from my blog and then award it to some of your favorite blogs! Congrats!

  13. I agree. I really love its simple, light design

  14. Beautiful iron work on the railing; it is really magnificent.

  15. C'est vrai qu'il est beau l'escalier "à l'italienne".
    Et il est bien ce personnage, il donne l'échelle avec beaucoup de sobriété.
    La reine n'a pas été très heureuse dans ces appartements, elle s'en est échappée.

  16. Fantastic compositions! Wonderful perspectives!

  17. You did a grand job photographing this beautiful staircase!

  18. Yes, I like the simple lines too. But some of the decorations are a bit too ornate for me. But that's just me...and I'm a mere peasant. ;-)


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