Monday 30 March 2009

Another Saturday at the big market

This Saturday was an April showers day. Rain and hail showers. At the end of the day there was a little ray of sunshine which I liked as it softened the colours of one of the four Halles Notre-Dame market buildings, outside which a clothes stall was set up.
Ce samedi fut une journée de giboulées de pluie et de grêle incessantes. A la fin de la journée, un joli rayon de soleil est apparu sur les Halles Notre-Dame, adoucissant les couleurs de l'un des quatre bâtiments devant lequel était installé ce stand de vêtements.


  1. It rained here in central Canada too. Hmmmm.

  2. Great shot! The rain finally arrived here as well.

  3. Yes that evening light really paints the clothing with a soft lovely light!

  4. We had sunshine here in Forks...I love the soft look of your photo, and would love to shop there too!!! We don't have much to choose from here.

  5. what a delightful picture! C'est si bon!

  6. Lovely, mellow light. Looks like the perfect time to go shopping outdoors ;)

  7. une superbe lumiere qui tombe sur ton marché, très belle photo.

  8. Un timide soleil, pour réchaffer de non moins timides "demoiselles".
    Joli ton rosé sur les murs du marché.

  9. Beautiful warm colours of this photo and I like this small lantern:)

  10. Jolie lumière en effet. J'adore ta photo précédente! Grand soleil ici, pas un nuage à part une averse ou deux hier... Mais il fait toujours un temps pourri en Bretagne, c'est bien connu ;-)

  11. J'aime beaucoup faire les marchés. Ne serait-ce qu'à Conflans ste Honorine (78, comme tu le sais) il y a en a tous les jours sauf le lundi et à trois endroits différents.
    On retrouve certains commerçants à plusieurs endroits, d'autres ne viennent qu'un certain jour.
    En Ile de France, le temps est très changeant, je dis toujours qu'il n'y a pas un jour sans un rayon de soleil.

  12. First of all I thought it were several people...Great picture!I liked the colour, you are very creative!

  13. Lovely day for rain, the colors pop out.

  14. Very cool composition!

  15. A delightful photo, CQ. At first I thought those were real people - kinda stuffy and rigid real people...

    But hey, some folks never know enough to come in out of the rain!

    Have a great day!

  16. Beautiful colors - you're right - the sun made the photo so soft!
    We had incredible rain, hail and wind yesterday - pretty scary!
    Oh, and after the first attack, we were trying to find a rescue group to take the dog, and see if they could do some behavioral training with him. After the second attack, we had to have him put to sleep. There was no way I would have felt rigth about letting anyone else adopt him.
    Thanks for asking!

  17. Well blow me over, that picture sure got my attention. How unique to take such a shot.

  18. I love your eye! The canopy makes it look like there are people under there, sheltering from the rain. Excellent!

  19. C'est une jolie lumiere d'apres la pluie le beau temps!1

  20. Colours of sunset are delicate and the French way to set a market is definitely unique


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