Tuesday 24 February 2009

Jules Hardouin-Mansart

May I introduce you to Jules Hardouin-Mansart, a household name in Versailles? This here is his bust in Notre-Dame church which he built. He was one of the greatest architects in 17th and 18th century Europe, Louis the 14th's favourite and we owe him many a fine building not only in Versailles which he shaped, but also in Paris and elsewhere in France. You can read more about him by clicking here.
Puis-je vous présenter Jules Hardouin-Mansart ? Ceci est son buste dans l'église Notre-Dame dont il fut l'architecte. On lui doit une bonne partie du Versailles actuel, mais aussi tant d'autres chef-d'oeuvres un peu partout en France, en particulier Saint-Louis des Invalides. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, c'est par ici.


  1. Et les toits à la Mansard?

  2. @alice : on va y venir... ;-)

  3. Beautiful glass in the background. I read he built the Grand Trianon, a wonderful building to tour.

  4. The French are amazing! This man must have been amazing. Versailles, the churches, the sculptures, the art, the statues, all of it, amazing.

    Beautiful windows, too.

  5. Mansard was a great artist. This is a beautiful photo.

  6. What a wealth of little treasures could be found in the details there. One day when I'm in the right mood I take it all in at places with history etc

  7. Thank you for the introduction.
    What a city!

  8. Fantastic composition! Well done!

  9. Versailles must have many beautiful churches with colourful stained glass.

  10. L'homme et son buste sont imposants!!!

  11. The stained glass in the photo is gorgeous. I had not heard of Mansart before; I'm glad he is from your (almost) hometown.


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