Monday 18 April 2016

L'entrée des élèves

Lycée Hoche Versailles
This year, VDP has shown you loads of pictures of Hoche school (click here to see them all). This is the back of the school, the pupils' entrance! These photos were taken the weekend before last.

Cette année, VDP vous a beaucoup montré le Lycée Hoche (cliquez ici pour voir toutes les photos). Ça, c'est l'entrée des élèves ! Ces photos ont été prises l'avant-dernier weekend.
Lycée Hoche Versailles


  1. Nice building but I'm still mesmerised by the ceiling of the chapel it's wonderful....

  2. I wonder what it would be like to attend such a school. It seems so different from what I experienced. And it appears that a lot of the young people ride bikes to school.

  3. It's a lovely building, Ciel!

  4. I can't believe how bare those trees are and it's mid-April.

  5. We have a new school building, but it certainly doesn't have the character of this one.

  6. That is a nice place to go to school. Looks like quite a few students must use their bicycles as transportation.

  7. The bicycle rack looks something like razor wire. Disconcerting in these times.

  8. No students at the school on the weekend. Only one bike sitting in that large bike rack.

  9. il en reste un qui bosse le dimanche

  10. Poor old bike rack, it needs a few more bikes.

  11. @ Sharon: like I said, the pics were taken the weekend before last! :-)

  12. Doesn't look like there were many students on this day. I'd expect more bikes.

  13. @ Halcyon: not on a Saturday afternoon, no...

  14. It's quite an appealing building. Your spring is ahead of ours, considering these shots are a few days old now.

  15. It's a very grand-looking school.

  16. it's a beautiful school!

  17. I can just imagine the bike rack full and the students tumbling into school for the day! Happily I hope in such a building!


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