Tuesday 8 March 2016

Une vue plus large

Chapelle Lycée Hoche Versailles
Final view of the chapel of Lycée Hoche... Because it is part of a school, it can only be visited by booking a guided tour with Versailles' tourist office.

Dernière vue de la chapelle du Lycée Hoche... Du fait qu'elle se situe dans l'enceinte du lycée, elle ne peut être visitée qu'avec un guide de l'office de tourisme de Versailles.
Chapelle Lycée Hoche Versailles


  1. Like that second shot. Very moody.

  2. It has a spare but entrancing grandeur!

  3. Love both the pictures, I really like the second shot with the light reflected off the floor it's very atmospheric....and what a stark difference between the ornate ceiling and the practical floor....

  4. Lovely pictures! I still can't stop looking at those columns.

  5. I understand that many old churches lack fixed pews but, um, shouldn't a Catholic house of worship have a greater sense of eternity than folding chairs?

    Lovely light, though.

  6. Interesting photographic angle in top photo. Certainly brings one's attention to the dome.

  7. Beautiful images! Nice captures of the light.

  8. I love the BLUE, the architecture and the light coming in, in the second image. Just fantastic!

  9. It's been such a pleasure to see Ciel, the whites and blues look brilliant together.

  10. Even more impressive seen like this!

  11. I love how the blue and white stands out! Beautiful place!

  12. Imagine studying there!


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