Tuesday 1 March 2016

March CDP Theme Day: Where I belong

Librairie ancienne et moderne Versailles
March is upon us. Where does VDP belong? Well apart from the fact that her screen name acually gives it away, she belongs in a book shop. Not an ebook shop mind you. A shop like this second-hand one located rue de la Paroisse... Happy March everyone! Don't forget to have a look at all this month's contributions by clicking here!

Nous voilà en mars et le thème du premier du mois dans la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo, c'est quel est votre sentiment d'appartenance. Bon, si on met de côté le pseudo de VDP qui en dit long, VDP se sent bien dans des librairies, comme celle-ci rue de la Paroisse. VDP vous souhaite un excellent mois de mars et n'oubliez pas de jeter un œil à toutes les contributions de la communauté de par le monde en cliquant ici !
Librairie ancienne et moderne Versailles
Librairie ancienne et moderne Versailles
Librairie ancienne et moderne Versailles


  1. Ah, Frances I figures prominently in the book I'm reading now.

  2. I feel right at home in such a shop, too.

  3. I'm with you completely...put me in a bookshop, secondhand or new publications and I'm in heaven, I could browse for days, I just love the printed word and pictures...

  4. I would be quite happy in that bookshop!

  5. Do they have coffee there, Ciel?

  6. Lovely! I would probably lose track of time in a shop like that.

  7. A very, very good self-representation.I didn't get one done for today. I thought of a close-up of my head behind a lens and camera.

  8. I can just imagine you, your head swimming around in that bookshop, in your element.

  9. A great choice. I don't read as much as I should these days.

  10. Nice, and I think we have that interest together:)

  11. Love the idea of a bookshop... with people to read and discuss the book and to share a coffee with me!


  12. This is a good place to belong.

  13. I think I'd fit in here too!

  14. Perfect choice Ciel, meet you there when I come over to visit :)

  15. Anonymous1/3/16 13:56

    Book shops and books over ebooks for me... every time!

  16. You chose an excellent one where so many of us can feel at home. Love photos of bookshelves; just a great feeling to be in one!

  17. OK. I could easily belong there too:)
    Love that kind of places:)

  18. Book stores like this are getting harder and harder to find over here. You are lucky to have one you can browse.

  19. Oh you! I love a used book store too---and have been known to hang out in one in Bellingham----floor to ceiling BOOKS. And now some are at my house. LOL
    Great place to be---good for you.

  20. A wonderful place: I loved bookshops for decades, but now I read only digital editions.

  21. much as i love the convenience of my iPad and ebooks .. i adore book stores ....

  22. Those bookstores are dangerous for me. I can't enter one without my backpack even though "I'm just looking" but come out with a bag full of books :) My wife is worse than me :)

  23. @ Jack: no! Though there is one in town and I'd shown it!

  24. Wonderful interpretation. The bookworm in me would love to spend some time in this shop. Looks terrific!

  25. We were only talking about this very subject today! Totally with you.

  26. You caught my eye with Steve McQueen on a Triumph!

  27. What a lovely shop - surrounded by books is a great place to be.

  28. Excellent choice for the theme! I spotted Steve McQueen too - with his Triumph t-shirt!


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