Thursday 4 February 2016

Reflet de pharmacie

Reflet de pharmacie reflection rain
The green cross of a chemist/pharmacy is reflected in the rain as someone walks by... The second photo is horrid, you can't even see the cross... :-)

Samedi rue Carnot, le reflet de la croix verte de la pharmacie tandis qu'un passant fait irruption... 
Reflet de pharmacie reflection rain


  1. I do see the cross- rain does make for some interesting photo ops!

  2. I seriously love that first picture, it's great...

  3. I like the way these turned out and also how you can see the silhouette of the cross sign against the cloudy sky in the second shot.

  4. I like these a lot, Ciel! You have to do something to enjoy the rainy weather. ;-)

  5. That is brilliant! The vibrant green really catches your eye.

  6. Very cool. Good eye and great follow-up with photos to prove it!

  7. Tres cool Ciel, in the second shot it looks like the colour has fallen straight out of the sign and landed with a plop on the placement :)

  8. What a good eye you have to see this wonderful reflection. I have to agree with Grace's comment above, it does look like the center of the cross has fallen out and landed on the sidewalk.

  9. Curious reflection, amazing shots!

  10. nice rainy reflections!

  11. In your photos even rain looks interesting:)
    I love the first one the best

  12. Cool reflections. Even a rainy day can be magical for a photographer!

  13. Hey, that's really cool!

  14. I really love this reflection, it's so fun.


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