Saturday 16 January 2016

Mon cèdre

Cèdre du Liban Petit Trianon Lebanon Cedar Versailles
Do you remember VDP's favourite tree? The Lebanon cedar? VDP had shown it to you and told you all about its history here. This is how splendid it looked last Saturday!

L'arbre préféré de VDP, le cèdre du Liban, dont VDP vous narrait l'histoire ici. C'était samedi dernier, il est si beau !
Cèdre du Liban Petit Trianon Lebanon Cedar Versailles


  1. Pretty by itself, and in such a grand setting!

  2. That's a beautiful tree, really lovely, it must be a great tree to sit under on a warm day...I particularly like the second shot the light is beautiful...

  3. What a grand old tree.

  4. I do remember this tree! I can see why it is your favorite.

  5. I particularly like it with the light on the face of its neighboring building.

  6. Splendid indeed.
    There is just *something* about cedars of Lebanon.

  7. That's interesting! The cedar of Lebanon is practially the trademark of the English country-house garden, and Gabriel's Petit Trianon is, after all, an English country house built in the French style.

  8. I share your predilection, cedars are great trees in any sense!

  9. Un de mes arbres favoris, avec les pins parasol, de par leur silhouette. Le petit Trianon est ainsi moins seul.

  10. Wonderful. They really are the most elegant looking trees.

  11. It is magnificent and I do recall many Biblical references to the "cedars of Lebanon" which seemed to be most prized among all the trees.

  12. It is an elegant tree, Ciel!

  13. The tree has lovely lines!

  14. Your Lebanon cedar looks marvelous bathed in the light here Ciel, also looks fabulous back when you first showed it. It really was inspired positioning way back when it was planted.

  15. That is awesome, especially since it's over 200 years old.


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !