Wednesday 2 December 2015

L'escalier de la préfecture

Escalier d'apparat préfecture des Yvelines Versailles
Let us return to the unfinished business of the history book show that took place inside the Préfecture building. This is the grand staircase that leads to the first floor of the building, the outside of which you can see by clicking here (and there's information about its history on that previous post too). The bust is that of MacMahon (full name Patrice de MacMahon, count of MacMahon, first duke of Magenta), a general, marshall of France and former President of France during the IIIrd Republic.

Retournons à l'intérieur de la préfecture, où ces photos de l'escalier d'apparat ont été prises lors du salon Histoire de Lire. Le buste représente Mac Mahon. VDP vous montrait la façade de la préfecture et vous en contait l'histoire ici.
 Escalier d'apparat préfecture des Yvelines Versailles
  Escalier d'apparat préfecture des Yvelines Versailles
Escalier d'apparat préfecture des Yvelines Versailles
Mac Mahon préfecture des Yvelines Versailles


  1. As great looking inside Ciel as it is outside, so sumptuous and elegant. Looove the last picture of the bust, it's a great perspective, the true use of a wide angle lens...

  2. Boy! No wonder the commoners were ticked. :-)

  3. Pretty darned elegant, VDP. Much like your own apartment, I'm sure.

  4. A magnificent space, Ciel.

  5. What a beautifully ornate staircase! Thanks for taking us back.

  6. The Préfecture? Wow! You should see the one in Paris (Ile de la Cité) where we went to renew our cartes de séjour every year ('til this year). It would be impossible to find a greater contrast to yours.

  7. tu es bien pistonnée pour faire les photos sans personnes pour te gêner ! ;-)))

  8. Wow. I would feel unworthy to walk on that red carpet.

  9. So elegant! And the ceiling is so high!

  10. That is a most elegant staircase. I would feel underdressed in anything less than formal wear being there. Thank you for the history lesson.

  11. I just knew it would look as good on the inside as it does the outside.. wonderfully grand detail shots for us here Ciel, merci beaucoup.

  12. This just takes one's breath away. So gorgeous and elegant!

  13. Impressive and absolutely amazing!

  14. This is a building that earns the title "grand" in my book! Very elegant.

  15. oh it's all so elegant! and i love that black/white checkerboard floor!


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