Tuesday 10 November 2015

Les chocolats dans le château

Maquette Château de Versailles Art et Chocolat Mingei
One last post about Art & Chocolat shop because this is pretty amazing too! The various chocolate sorts, ganaches, mendiants etc., are presented in this huge MDF model of the palace made by Mingei! VDP thought that was rather cool!

Un dernier billet sur Art et Chocolat si vous le voulez bien ! Les chocolats sont présentés dans une énorme maquette du château réalisée par Mingei, ce que VDP a trouvé très chouette !
Maquette Château de Versailles Art et Chocolat Mingei
Maquette Château de Versailles Art et Chocolat Mingei


  1. Beautiful detail, and scrumptious window decorations!

  2. That's not just cool that's amazingly cool. Is that a camera slung around the neck of the figure on the far left in the first picture? I'm not sure I'll ever look at a humble bar of ordinary chocolate again..

  3. It takes some serious skill to craft something like that!

  4. That is amazing - a great way to feature their products, Ciel!

  5. si tu n’arrêtes pas avec le chocolat je cesse de lire je prends 1 kilo à chaque fois que j'ouvre ta page ;-)))

  6. "Fenêtres sur"
    Une vraiment bonne et belle conception.

  7. That is cool! And tasty, too, I would suppose. :-)

  8. Totally amazing! What a lot of work, though!

  9. I am chocolate-dependent...

  10. VDP is correct this is way cool.. Is it really edible? Even better :)

  11. Wow, that really is an amazing display.

  12. That's all chocolate! I knew there was something sinful about the Palace! :) What an amazing creation!

  13. Wow, think of how many hour went into making that, it's mind boggling with such incredible details.

  14. Sorry, this obviously wasn't clear enough. It's a wooden DISPLAY case for the chocolates you see in the windows...

    @ Geoff: yes! A camera round the neck!

  15. Your posts are too tempting lately.

  16. Oops! I got the wrong impression but after re-reading your post it's all my fault. I shall go now and eat a Hershey bar as punishment.

  17. Could we eat the whole thing? LOL


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