Tuesday 3 November 2015

Champignons, insectes, cyclamens, marrons et amoureux !

Champignons mushrooms Domaine de Mme Elisabeth Versailles
When you start looking down in the park of Madame Elisabeth's estate, you notice allsorts of lovely things (including an insect that VDP only saw once she edited the pics! Can you spot it? It's in all three of the mushroom pics!)

Quand on regarde le sol dans le domaine de Madame Elisabeth, on remarque qu'il se passe plein de choses (ce qui inclut un insecte que VDP n'a remarqué qu'une fois rentrée chez elle en éditant les photos. Vous le voyez sur chacune des trois photos de champignons ?)
Champignons mushrooms Domaine de Mme Elisabeth Versailles
Champignons mushrooms Domaine de Mme Elisabeth Versailles
Cyclamens Domaine de Mme Elisabeth Versailles
Chestnuts marrons Domaine de Mme Elisabeth Versailles
And then, when you look down onto Avenue de Paris which borders the park, you notice love is in the autumn air !

Et quand vous jetez un œil sur l'avenue de Paris qui borde le parc, vous remarquez que ma foi, l'amour n'est pas mort !
Love in Versailles
Baies Domaine de Madame Elisabeth Versailles


  1. Yes, I did pick up on that insect. I think the second one could be easily missed if you weren't looking for it.

  2. Photobombed by a bug. :-)

  3. Oh great stuff, wonderful, I love the low down perspective,I wonder if the insect knows he famous now :) as for l'amour it's good to know it's not seasonal...

  4. I did see it. But more importantly, I saw a great set of really nice artsy photos! And a cute couple on a bench. Excellent and fun, Ciel!

  5. Love the bug and the mushrooms. I do like the Hardy Cyclamen. One of my favorites.

  6. Anonymous3/11/15 08:59

    Yes, I noticed the insect... and also the camera beside the couple on the bench ;-)

  7. j'aime ce reportage et le couple sur le banc ...

  8. @ Llandudno: actually, I think that's just her handbag though it does look like a camera VDP would be jealous of!

  9. A lovely set of photos... I would say: Autumn is in the air!

  10. I saw that colorful little bug! There is certainly a lot to see at this park.

  11. Great photos, wonderful post, Ciel!

  12. ...you cant keep a good insect down.

  13. Love, love,love these soft luxuriant images Ciel, tres jolie! Sweet little bug, a little like a ladybug! Ah! L'Amour in autumn, niiiiiice!

  14. Tous des moments pour lesquels on vit, on se promène, on respire...

  15. These are great shots, Ciel!

  16. finding the small treasures. they are wonderful.
    that happens to me all the time, finding things in my photos that i did not see at the time. fun.

  17. Do you know the name of that insect? We have them here too but I have no clue what they're called.

  18. I love the mushroom pics. It looks like a tiny world where fairies and gnomes might be hiding out. :)

  19. These photos make me want to get out and take some photos in my local woods!


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