Monday 30 November 2015

Au bosquet des dômes

Bosquet des dômes château de Versailles autumn
Okay, okay, it's a promise, this is the last of the autumn palace shots for this year. It was actually scheduled to go online on 14 November just after the Paris terror attacks. This is the dome grove which VDP had shown you during the night musical fountains show here (with a bit about its history too).

Ok, ok, promis, c'est la dernière photo de l'automne dans les jardins du château pour cette année. Elle devait initialement paraître sur ce blog le 14 novembre, lendemain des attaques terroristes à Paris. Elle a été prise au bosquet des dômes, que VDP vous montrait ici pendant les Grandes Eaux Nocturnes.


  1. a quiet sort of spectacular

  2. I clicked your link so now I understand the name. We've walked through here but were puzzled about the meaning.

  3. That is beautiful!
    I added a photo on you post on Facebook about the Medieval fair thingie and forgot where I was and deleted it so I will email you some pics.

  4. Une belle mise en valeur générale.

  5. Those shrubs are just fabulous.

  6. oh how beautiful! you don't have to stop on my account!

  7. Someday I want to see this fountain in person. Very beautiful.

  8. Pretty reflections! Autumn is beautiful to see any time of year.

  9. You can continue posting these autumn shots as long as you wish. I really like the colors and the reflections...and the overall beauty of the place!

  10. That looks like a beautiful spot, I love the way the white statues stand out from the planting...


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