Friday 30 October 2015

La quiétude absolue d'un weekend d'automne

Parc du Cénacle automne Versailles
We are having such a pretty autumn, despite the often grey skies, that VDP has gone a bit wild and is going to show you lots of seasonal photos! These were taken last weekend in the park of the Spiritual Centre of the Sisters of the Cenacle, which you had seen here in the summer.

Quel automne splendide malgré le ciel trop souvent gris ! VDP s'est laissée un peu emporter et va vous montrer plein de photos de saison ! Celles-ci ont été prises le weekend dernier au parc du Centre Spirituel des Sœurs du Cénacle, que vous aviez vu ici en été.
Parc du Cénacle automne Versailles
Parc du Cénacle automne Versailles
Parc du Cénacle automne VersaillesParc du Cénacle automne Versailles


  1. Peaceful, pretty, and lush!

  2. Beautiful pictures Ciel, I particularly like the first and the last. The Spiritual Centre seems a very special and peaceful place...

  3. Awfully pretty, VDP.

  4. It is such a beautiful place, Ciel! The sights of autumn can make the spirit soar.

  5. I like 'VDP Gone Wild'! Very pretty scenery. Enjoy it while it lasts. Hope you have another beautiful weekend coming up.

  6. Its been one of the best autumns for a while. Maybe because we have had low rainfall for the last couple of months. RWC - I'm not supporting anyone, just hope its a close game. I think NZ will do it, although for the games development it would be good if the Aussies win.

  7. Wonderful! So, you know very well how to photograph a weekend...

  8. Golden leaves plus reflections. It doesn't get any better.

  9. Very soothing, have a serene weekend!

  10. This looks like a place that Monet would have loved painting.

  11. Oh la! One could lose beaucoup stress in this peaceful place Ciel, I would so love to be there. Beautifully captured serenity and lushness :)

  12. Oh ja, schöne Spiegelungen hier, und eine tolle Herbst Atmosphere !

  13. The Sisters have the right place.
    A beautiful autumn day over here in rural Austria, too.
    Thanks for the pretty pictures.

  14. Beautiful shots. We are having a pretty Autumn too except now it is windy and raining---but mostly pretty.

  15. It's even more beautiful in the fall, those floating leaves really add pop to the water. I'm having stressful day, I appreciate the escape.

  16. encore une belle journée... j'ai profité de ma visite au cimetière Saint Louis pour chercher la tombe du mousquetaire ...

  17. Lovey autumnal shots. That first one is especially wonderful!

  18. Je fais un gros soupir !

  19. autumn is such a lovely time
    your photos share this!


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