Tuesday 18 August 2015

A la Véranda

Restaurant la Véranda Trianon Palace Versailles
Last Saturday, VDP took her parents to La Véranda restaurant at Trianon Palace hotel right next to the palace grounds for a bit of sheer luxury at lunchtime... The chef at the hotel is celeb' Gordon Ramsay and this place is the offspring of the main restaurant.

Samedi dernier, VDP a emmené ses parents à la Véranda de Gordon Ramsay au Trianon Palace, en bordure du parc du château, pour un peu de luxe à l'heure du déjeuner...
Restaurant la Véranda Trianon Palace Versailles
Restaurant la Véranda Trianon Palace Versailles


  1. What a beautiful light and airy room, it looks very special. I'm sure if Gordon Ramsey is in charge the food was excellent, I hope you and your parents had a fantastic time :)

  2. Just WOW! What a place! Nice daughter.
    ps G. Ramsey can be a bit (maybe more) of an ass. Bet he wasn't there, anyway.

  3. Looks like the kind of place that probably doesn't have any ketchup.

  4. It's nice to go for a bit of luxury once in a while! It looks like it fits the bill, Ciel!

  5. What a gorgeous place for lunch!

  6. Gordon Ramsey is a mean SOB but I wouldn't turn down a chance to eat here. The place reeks elegance.

  7. Ramsay the guy who knows only one word f... ! Hope the food was ok.

  8. Anonymous18/8/15 09:05

    Very classy, those are great internal shots. They should use the first one for their marketing!

  9. Impressive and elegant, but I am not impressed by Gordon Ramsey...

  10. A very classy place, but like many others I'm not a Gordon Ramsey fan.

  11. ...and I bet the food was good too. Elegant place to dine :).

  12. I wonder if they would let me in there in my Summer outfit. Khaki shorts and a t-shirt.

  13. Looks very fancy! Hope you enjoyed it.

  14. c'est luxueux je n'y suis jamais allée

  15. What a beautifully elegant room Ciel, lucky mum and dad! I hope GR didn't come out and yell at you :)

  16. Na Mahlzeit !
    Tolles Restaurant ! - gut zu wissen :)

  17. You are such a nice daughter. Awesome curved windows.

  18. Oh wow, this is my kind of place. I'd love to have lunch (or dinner) here one day. It looks so elegant.

  19. An elegant restaurant, VDP. Lovely. Of course, your parents deserve only the best.

  20. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful dining experience! I hope the food was as delicious as the atmosphere! Lovely!


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