Sunday 12 July 2015


Latone Latona Versailles fountain
So there she is. Latona with water. Those of you who follow VDP on a regular basis will remember the May posts about the end of the long, long restoration of the gorgeous fountain in the palace gardens. They were here, and also here and finally there. As for the lady before restoration, have a peek here, with links to the mythological and allegorical meaning as well as a video. Below, the view she currently enjoys onto Anish Kapoor's 'Dirty Corner'.

La voici en eau. Ceux d'entre vous qui suivent régulièrement VDP se souviendront des billets du mois de mai, de la fin de la restauration de la très belle fontaine des jardins du château. Ils étaient ici et ou encore . Pour la voir avant restauration, en 2011, cliquez ici. Pour l'histoire, l'allégorie, c'est par là !
Bassin de Latone Anish Kapoor Versailles


  1. She looks vey cool, pardon the pun, the view looks fantastic...

  2. She is looking wonderful! I think I find the placement of that Kapoor piece a bit jarring.

  3. I love the lady and her fountain. Not so much Kapoor.

  4. Great looking fountain.

  5. Like the way you have used the water to frame the central statue. She is a fine looking lady who is caring for her children.

  6. très belle elle ne crains pas la canicule... mais ce "machin" rouillé sur le tapis qui gène la perspective quelle horreur !
    bonnes vacances...à Quimper où à Versailles

  7. Wow. Spectacular renovation. Did I say wow? Wow.

  8. Anonymous12/7/15 11:09

    Spectacularly refreshing!

  9. It is quite an impressive fountain!

  10. Restored to all her former glory, looks fantastic Ciel.. What would Latona think of her present 'temporary' watery view I wonder :)

  11. That fountain is simply spectacular!

  12. The Kapoorless views are amazing!

  13. I would love to join her in the fountain today. I'd be wearing a few more clothes, though. ;)

  14. Sehr erfrischend, genau richtig zu dieser Jahreszeit !

  15. The first photo of Latona with the water shooting over her is quite special!


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