Tuesday 14 July 2015

Du faux sang pour le 14 juillet ?

Anish Kapoor Versailles Jeu de Paume
So it's Bastille Day which, in France, we simply call the 14th of July. The Anish Kapoor exhibition at the palace (see here, here and there) extends to the former royal tennis court. VDP thought it the perfect day to show you 'Shooting into the Corner'. To be honest, VDP doesn't really know what to make of this artwork but has to admit it is thought provoking. To her, in this setting, it sort of symbolises the bloody part of the French Revolution, i.e. the 'Reign of Terror'. Whatever, Bailly, the man who presided over the Tennis Court Oath here in Versailles in 1789 (a founding act of the French democracy) whose statue, depicting him swearing, stands tall and proud inside the tennis court must wonder if it is all starting again! To see all historic Tennis Court posts click here!

Nous voilà déjà le 14 juillet !! L'exposition Anish Kapoor au château (voir ici, ici et ) s'étend à la salle du Jeu de Paume où est exposée l’œuvre "Shooting into the Corner". VDP a pensé que c'était le jour où jamais pour vous la montrer et Bailly, qui présidait au Serment du Jeu de Paume ici à Versailles en 1789 doit se demander si la Terreur est revenue... Pour voir tous les billets sur ce haut lieu historique, cliquez ici ! VDP vous souhaite une bonne fête nationale !
Anish Kapoor Versailles Jeu de Paume
Anish Kapoor Versailles Jeu de Paume
Anish Kapoor Versailles Jeu de Paume
Anish Kapoor Versailles Jeu de Paume


  1. Bloody indeed!

    One of my brothers was born on the fourteenth of July.

    Fortunately not in France, so his friends are never busy that day.

  2. hhhhm not sure about the artwork, am I thinking to deeply about it trying to find some hidden meaning...anyway the reign of terror story I will be reading up on..

  3. Sure makes you think.

  4. Bloody crap, literally. Your tax Euros at work?

  5. Anonymous14/7/15 08:43

    It does look very gory, great shots though!

  6. pour moi - mais je laisse à chacun ses goût- kapoor = KK !

  7. Oi, too gruesome.
    But otherwise, have a happy 14th, Ciel!

  8. Probably swearing about that painting. :-)

  9. The message from the artwork is pretty loud and clear and a big too red for me. Like your shots nevertheless.

  10. So thought provoking, and a little disturbing, indeed. Happy July 14th.


  11. It's a bit too realistic for my taste, but certainly thought-provoking.

  12. Tomorrow is the 15th... we simply call it my birthday.

  13. Oh dear, I think I find that a bit disturbing. Actually, more than a bit.

  14. I find it a bit too gruesome for me. There is enough gore in the world already.

  15. We used to call it dads birthday in my family. Enjoy the day.

  16. Well . . . I guess the revolution was pretty bloody . . . !


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