Sunday 7 June 2015

Un "afternoon tea" de luxe

Sablé biscuit cookie Trianon Palace Versailles
Trust me, that thing was good. VDP is drooling at the mere thought of it! This was afternoon tea at Trianon Palace hotel which you had seen here. Actually, it was tea for the friend who accompanied VDP (and allowed her to taste it) and tapas for yours truly who at the time just had to have some foie gras with figs... 

Croyez-moi, ce sablé était une tuerie. Si la personne qui accompagnait VDP a opté pour un thé gourmand tout sucré, VDP avait envie de salé et a opté pour le foie gras... Ce fut une halte luxueuse et fort agréable au Trianon Palace !
Foie gras et thé gourmand Trianon Palace Versailles
Terrasse Trianon Palace Versailles


  1. Looks fabulous, enjoy, spoil yourself:)

  2. Looks scrumptious. :-)

  3. What class and style !

  4. Oh, that looks so good, Ciel!

  5. Just looking at it makes me drooling.

  6. Nice looking place for tea.

  7. Super looking spot Ciel, trying not to look at the food as I've just started a 'no goodies' kind of diet.. maybe I should wait until tomorrow :)

  8. Do not temp us: we are for a few days in Bologna, probably the gastronomic capital of Italy...

  9. Anonymous7/6/15 10:15

    V e r y nice!

  10. Tasty food and I think an expensive bill. Foie gras in the afternoon ?

  11. Looks like French cuisine! :) You suggested I don't care for it. Well, I don't know much about it. But, you're probably right ... and I'm thinking I just need more exposure to it. And if things were different, I'd hop a plane to get that exposure tomorrow morning. :)

  12. It looks like a wonderful setting to sample some very exquisite food.

  13. You are making me hungry!! That looks delicious!

  14. I don't believe you. Better send me one. mmmmmmmmmmm

  15. That is a very pleasant place to enjoy good conversation with friends and to eat those wonderful tastes!!

  16. You are living well, VDP.

  17. It all looks delicious!

  18. You certainly like to post tempting delights, Ciel!

  19. It looks deliciously deluxe, I'm too much of a culinary wimp to try foie gras.


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