Friday 1 May 2015

May City Daily Photo Theme Day: Revolution

Robespierre salle du Jeu de Paume Versailles
So it's May and if all goes according to plan, VDP will be back home today, jet-lagged as hell (thank goodness today is Labour Day) and just in time for the City Daily Photo community's first of the month Theme Day! Revolution is easy-peasy in Versailles where so many events of the early French Revolution took place (like the Estates General for instance)! Truth be told, it's a bit difficult to find anything really revolutionary in the city nowadays! This gentleman was studying one of the images on the wall outside the former royal tennis court where the famous tennis court oath was taken in 1789. He's looking at Maximilien de Robespierre, a household name in France, one of the most influential people during the bloodiest phase of the revolution... To view all participants in this month's Theme Day, click here! Since there were cars parked opposite the tennis court, there's also a reflection on VDP today! To view all Weekend Reflections, visit James! Happy month of May!

Nous voilà en mai et si tout se passe comme prévu, VDP rentre aujourd'hui (et souffre de décalage horaire), juste à temps pour le thème du premier du mois dans la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo. Vous l'aurez compris, le thème c'est "révolution", ce qui est assez facile à Versailles compte tenu des nombreux événements de la Révolution Française qui y eurent lieu, comme par exemple les Etats-Généraux. Monsieur étudiait les panneaux se trouvant sur le mur de la salle du Jeu de Paume et plus particulièrement celui-ci, montrant Maximilien de Robespierre qu'on ne présente plus. Pour voir toutes les participations au thème dans le monde entier, cliquez ici ! Comme des voitures sont garées rue du Jeu de Paume, hop là, un reflet en prime pour les Reflets du Weekend ! Bon mois de mai !
Salle du Jeu de Paume Versailles
Reflection of Salle du Jeu de Paume Versailles


  1. Given your country, the French Revolution was an apt choice for the theme. I really like the central painting in the second shot.

  2. “Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.” ~FDR :-)

  3. Welcome back, jet-lagged and all...

  4. I was thinking that you had it very easy for the "revolution" theme, which is very difficult for many of us.

    Welcome back.

  5. may be good that it is hard to find anything revolutionary nowadays ... get some rest

  6. I suppose you wouldn't have to look far for this anywhere in France. Robespierre looks like he's having a heart attack.

  7. So pleased you're back, get some rest over the weekend, Mons Robespierre looks like he could do with a little rest as well. Nice picture...

  8. Yes, no lack of revolutions over there.
    Welcome home and happy May Day.

  9. Anonymous1/5/15 09:58

    Dynamic! Hope you had a safe journey home!

  10. Une époque bien sanguinaire exposée dans cette belle salle du jeu de paume...

  11. Anonymous1/5/15 10:45

    Bon retour à Versailles !

  12. Diesmal hattest Du ein leichtes Thema, ha, Ciel ?
    Willkommen zurück ins "alte Europa" :)

  13. Who could possibly forget the French REVOLUTION?! Perfect choice for your city.

  14. Nice choice. Hope you had a great trip.

  15. It might be high time for another one...

  16. A theme day made for you, Ciel! Welcome back!

  17. Ca fait une bonne vingtaine d'annes depuis ma derniere visite... J'adore votre ville et tous qu'il y a autour. Beaucoup de choses a decouvrir et apprendre! J'ai retrouve une photo d'une belle journee la-bas.... Merci de nous envoyer toujours les se belles images!

  18. Welcome back!
    You nailed both themes (reflections and revolution).
    Do we get to see pictures from your trip. :-)

  19. I'd say the signs of revolution are plentiful in France. I can think of several I've visited on my trips to Paris. Excellent post.
    I hope the jet lag isn't too bad! Start planning your next trip, that will help!

  20. Reflection and Revolution- both themes covered well in this post.

  21. Welcome back...
    Excellent chioce for reflection...
    Happy month of May

  22. Welcome back Ciel, hope you didn't leave your heart back there on Canyon Road :) I think the French revolution would be the most renowned revolution by far.. The poster in your first shot.. tres dramatique!

  23. Welcome back! A classic post for this theme day.

  24. Great plan to return on a holiday and give your body some time to recover. Happy May and welcome home.

  25. welcome back!! hope you are feeling rested! good choice for the theme!!

  26. Good one! You could be the one participant to say this theme day was easy! Love that first image -- well done.

  27. Love that first shot!

  28. A great theme day post.

  29. If you can't get a good revolution picture in France, I don't know where you can! Glad to see you enjoyed your trip.


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