Thursday 12 March 2015

Le poissonnier du marché de Porchefontaine

Fishmonger market Versailles Porchefontaine
Fresh fish, oysters and shells at the Saturday market in Porchefontaine neighbourhood!
Fishmonger market Versailles Porchefontaine


  1. Not to my personal appetite, but it looks like there's quite a lot for those who love seafood.

  2. Nothing like fresh seafood, you really can tell the difference! I want that blue basket in the first picture by the way.

  3. I like my fish grilled and on my plate. How it gets there is not my concern.

  4. I'm with Jack. Don't know a thing about cooking fish other than maybe throwing a tuna steak in the grill. Leave it to the experts.

  5. Looks like a nice market.

  6. Some types of fish are notoriously hard to cook. But I'd be happy to prepare some of that salmon, or at least try a few of the others. Many are unfamiliar to me.

  7. un peu fatigue (ben quoi fait la fete pour la victoire du PSG) et j'ai rapidement lu le titre de post "le prisonnier du marché...." et j'ai ete tres decu par le roman photo policier qui suivait ;)) Perso je passe, je mange pas de poissons

  8. Anonymous12/3/15 09:14

    I can smell them from here ;-) Any chips too?!

  9. I don't care for fish, but I love markets. That striped awning is very eye-catching!

  10. It's funny how dead fish on ice can be so photogenic.
    I too always go by the fish stands in our big Beer Sheva market, looking for photo ops.

  11. The blue and white is so fresh, a super backdrop for the fish.. Definitely having salmon for dinner tomorrow night :)

  12. I love these open markets. Did you buy anything?

  13. Deux harengs pour ce soir avec une sauce à la moutarde.

  14. un filet de saumon pour que je le fume

  15. I'm not a fan of oysters or anchovies, but most others I like.

    I just made crab cakes this past weekend :-)

  16. I do not eat fish, but these look gorgeous!

  17. I love seafood so would love this place, Ciel!

  18. Wonderful display Ciel, I love browsing around markets of any kind. I must eat more fish....

  19. Open markets with that kind of inventory appeals to me!!

  20. This reminds me of my childhood. Supermarkets near me don't display fish like this. A pity!

  21. Looks so nice, fresh AND blue!
    I love both your images.


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