Thursday 5 February 2015

On se hâte sous l'averse de neige

Sleet Versailles street scene
VDP completely dropped the ball here but the photo turned out sort of nice all the same! This was Saturday afternoon in Saint-Louis neighbourhood. The temperature was hovering around 0°C (32°F) and the sleet was coming down hard. Yes, yes, that young chap is wearing bermudas. That's Versailles for you, at least that's the way some Versaillais traditionally dress... Sister or cousin or friend fared slightly better...

VDP a complètement raté cette photo mais elle n'est finalement pas si mal que ça ! C'était samedi dans le quartier Saint-Louis, il faisait à peu près 1° et une sorte de neige à moitié fondue tombait dru. VDP est toujours surprise de voir les vêtements traditionnels d'hiver... La sœur, cousine ou copine devait avoir un peu plus chaud... 
Sleet Versailles street scene


  1. The first shot is like something out of a dream!

  2. I agree with William.

    At least we are NOT having weather like you. Thank goodness. LOL

  3. Makes me shiver just thinking about it.

  4. I love the top one, you can feel the cold and sleet. Always worth trying a picture whatever the weather.

  5. It looks so cold, but I love that first shot.

  6. I like that first shot too! Sleet is nasty stuff. Snow for us here in Toronto.

  7. I adore that first shot. Isn't that unusual?

  8. That first shot is awesome.

  9. Anonymous5/2/15 08:34

    The movement has captured the movement... perfectly!

  10. ils sont trop rapide pour ton APN

  11. c'est drôle je n'ai pas eu de neige samedi mais depuis ça gèle !

  12. Je ne peux m'empêcher de sourire car c'est très versaillais la culotte courte ou la jupe pour les filles en hiver. Rien que voir les scouts les jambes rougies par le froid, le dimanche, j'ai froid !
    Bonne journée

  13. @ Josette: eh bien si, samedi après-midi, vers 16 h 30, rue Saint-Honoré, rue d'Anjou... De la neige à moitié fondue mais néanmoins de la neige...

  14. Anonymous5/2/15 12:07

    Elle est magnifique ta photo loupée ... Ah le bermuda versaillais en plein hiver !!! brrrrr

  15. I think it turned out nice too! The shorts would not be so unusual here either, even in freezing weather.

  16. The first shot is nice, but I'm shocked. How a mother can accept that her child has blue-frozen legs and probably not only the legs !!"
    I would call this ill treatment and what does mean traditionnel dress ? Your town seems special.

  17. J'adore the first shot also Ciel, tres arty :) I do like the look of your rain.. we have had a bit but the temps still in the mid 30C, you can imagine the humidity, horrible!

  18. yes, the first shot turned out really nice! my boys are always in shorts too lol

  19. That first shot is fantastic. I love it.

  20. Kalt und nass, das richtige Wetter um schöne Fotos zu machen :)

  21. Mother and child in rain. I love what you got here.

  22. A simply wonderful first shot!

  23. I like that first photo, it gives the impression that they are running to avoid that nasty weather. Poor little guy's legs must have been freezing.

  24. @ Wayne: that's exactly what they were doing: running!

  25. I was starting to wonder if shorts and skirts in winter was just a local thing. It always seems to be children and teens. I guess common sense takes time to develop. :-)


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