Monday 19 January 2015

L'expo Versalis Vice

Vernissage Versalia Vice Versailles
So... Some of you had guessed yesterday! Last Thursday evening, VDP attended a photography exhibition preview at Les Quatre Saisons restaurant! The place was packed, it was a success, a lovely evening and VDP hopes that the artist Versalis Vice, whose photos of the palace, castles and grounds you can check out by cliking here gets the recognition he deserves!

Certains d'entre vous ont deviné hier ! Donc... Jeudi soir dernier, VDP s'est rendue au vernissage de l'expo photos de Versalis Vice au restaurant les quatre saisons. Ce fut une belle soirée, extrêmement sympathique et VDP espère que l'artiste aura le succès qu'il mérite ! Vous pouvez voir ses photos du domaine royal en cliquant ici.
Vernissage Versalia Vice Versailles
Vernissage Versalia Vice Versailles
Vernissage Versalia Vice Versailles
Vernissage Versalia Vice Versailles


  1. superbes photos, et puis un vernissage qui semble avoir tout prevu ;)

  2. You know I would enjoy this exhibition...the photographer/artist does superb work. Oh, would it be nice to be able to spend a year photographing the palace and gardens in the different seasons.

    Sorry about the champagne. I like it, but it doesn't like me and there's a rather funny story that involves the officiant at a wedding where champagne was served.

  3. Looks like some exceptional pieces.

  4. I hope he does well! The pics we can see look great, Ciel!

  5. Looks like a nice show. I do not like that champaign.

  6. Anonymous19/1/15 10:31

    Good to see a photographer's work doing so well!

  7. Superbe vernissage!
    Mail à part.

  8. Looks like an awesome exhibit!!

  9. I'm enjoying your 'work' here too VDP.

  10. Lots of art and a glass of champagne, sounds like my kind of evening.

  11. Thanks for the link Ciel, super photos (yours and his) Gosh there have been some incredible sculptures at the palace over the years, j'adore the huge fretwork teapot, whimsical to the max!

  12. Glad you supplied the link, Ciel. I agree his work deserves to be noticed!

  13. Love the place, but this is not my kind of stuff...

  14. Anonymous19/1/15 19:28

    Merci pour la visite :)

  15. I am glad you were able to enjoy the exhibition. It looks wonderful!

  16. This would be fun. Did you like his work?


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !