Thursday 22 January 2015

Les pigeons place Hoche

Pigeons Versailles
VDP will never understand how anyone would want to feed them. There are soooo many of them and therefore they... ummm... you know... everywhere... and I mean everywhere: on the pavement, on statues (oh the acid deterioration), on rooftops, on flowers, on branches and leaves of trees, on benches, on the heads and shoulders of passers-by, on windshields and bodyworks of cars, on balconies, on your little windowsill herbal garden and your geraniums (or any other flowers you might attempt to grow), on your umbrella, on every available nook and cranny... You name, it, they'll do it. VDP even once saw a tourist's camera held up and bam, right onto the lens! Oh, yes, it's illegal to feed them.

VDP ne comprendra jamais comment on peut vouloir leur donner à manger...


  1. One more pigeon and they'll be able to launch their world domination scheme.

  2. They are almost as messy as Canadian geese! :)

  3. And what about dogs ? Nice shit everywhere

  4. Ah, come one, VDP. They're adorable. And just look at how green the grass grows under them. :-)

  5. They are a delicacy if you get young ones. Dark meat of course with those huge flight muscles. The homeless feast on them in some places.

  6. There are several places around here where people feed them and the pigeons sit around waiting for them to come along. I often wonder if they are rather lonely people who somehow feel needed by the birds.

  7. We don't have too many pigeons here. It is against the law to feed them in some cities, but people do it anyway.

  8. Urban pigeons are a problem. They scavenge around restaurants and mess up public places. Many consider then rats with wings. At least they are better looking than rate.

  9. Et nous savons tous que tu aimes les pigeons. :-p

    C'est moi, James.

  10. Il faudrait des affiches "Usage du pain" dans les jardins publics. De toute facon ce n'est pas bon pour leur estomac.

  11. Awwww! Ciel, look at those little faces :) :)

  12. Anonymous22/1/15 10:18

    Looks like they have hit the jackpot here! We have the same issue with seagulls, they are incredibly aggressive now and won't wait to be offered food... they just steal it straight from your hand.

  13. Haha, but I have to admit, your photo is attractive and has a certain charm.

  14. Hahaha right on the lens! That is unfortunate...

  15. Na Mahlzeit !
    Dein Foto gefällt mir aber sehr gut, Ciel !

  16. Anonymous22/1/15 15:23

    No comment ... je préfère le Trianon aux pigeons ! ;)

  17. Apparently pigeons are very smart birds, Ciel. They recognize people's faces. I bet your local pigeons KNOW you. Be afraid! ;))

    People feed Canada geese and mallards too...even when there's a sign ten feet away telling them not to. Hmmm.

  18. If they didn't poop everywhere, they might be cute.

  19. When I was living my former house, I'd see pigeons on the wires and once in a while they would get into my back yard and try to eat from my bird feeders. I always chased them away because they were so big, they'd swing the feeder back and forth and let all the seed fall to the ground. Usually if I chased them away they would stay away for quite awhile.

  20. You know very well what I think of this...

  21. They're still trying to to take over my house from me ;-)


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