Monday 29 December 2014

François-Marie Arouet

Voltaire par Largillière
This gorgeous painting, on show at the public library's Rameau exhibition until 3 January, depicts a young François-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, by Nicolas de Largillière, one of VDP's favourite painters! If you've never read any Voltaire, do yourself a favour, read his strikingly modern works! VDP is away for a few days, posts are scheduled, see you soon!

Cette œuvre superbe, visible actuellement à la bibliothèque principale à l'expo Rameau est de Nicolas de Largillière, l'un des peintres favoris de VDP. Il y dépeint un jeune François-Marie Arouet, autrement dit Voltaire. Hâtez-vous d'aller voir l'expo, elle s'achève le 3 janvier ! Et relisez Voltaire !
VDP est absente quelques jours, des photos sont prépostées, à très bientôt !


  1. Oui! 'Tis a beautiful work of art. I've read a little Voltaire, too little, but what I've read I've enjoyed much.

    Hope you're having fun with friends and family. Well, with somebody!

  2. He looks quite pleased with the world in that portrait, don't you think?

  3. I agree about Voltaire and also about his portraitist!

  4. Voltaire has such a pleasant face!

  5. His face positively leaps from his portrait!

  6. it is a beautiful portrait...such richness!

  7. The blue velvet of Voltaire's vest looks amazing! Hope David Lynch knows this painting! :-)))

  8. What a beautiful painting!

  9. He's a good-looking chap...

  10. Enjoy your time away. Wishing you a wonderful new year.


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !