Tuesday 9 December 2014

Encore un peu de travail

Musée Lambinet Versailles
One last post of the XVIIIth century atmosphere at Lambinet Museum! The other day VDP wondered if you wanted to play after dinner, but perhaps you'd like to put in a few more hours of work?

Un dernier billet sur le XVIIIè siècle au Musée Lambinet ! L'autre jour, VDP vous demandait si vous souhaitiez jouer après le souper mais peut-être préféreriez-vous travailler encore un peu ?
Musée Lambinet Versailles


  1. I think I'd prefer to play. The light from that candle isn't too good and I'd prefer another kind of pen...plus it looks like someone put a rock on my desk - what am I supposed to do with that?

    What game do you want to play? Or have you been playing with me this whole time? Hmmm....

  2. That would certainly help working late more enjoyable.

  3. I think I'll play please, Ciel!

  4. Me being a writer, I'd still want to work at this desk. Of course, me being left handed, using that for a pen would result in smeared ink all over the pages.

  5. Yes, of course, work. Work, work, work . . . Wait! Didn't you say this was Versailles--the original party town? :-)

  6. Who could get any work done in such a beautiful place?

  7. Les tableaux dans le dos,c'est moins intimidant lorsqu'on doit ecrire quelque chose d'important.

  8. I'd rather play. Not big on working after a good meal. ;)

  9. Anonymous9/12/14 09:49

    A very nice looking place, to work or play!

  10. oh i always choose play to work ;)

  11. I could be persuaded to check a few emails or send few tweets from that desk. Most likely, I'd be taking dozens of photos, but that doesn't seem like work.

  12. Either would be a pleasure here Ciel.. but I'll play with the rest of your readers :)

  13. No way to watch a movie?

  14. is the feather the ink pen? I need to find the right feather for that ;-)

  15. Play sounds better than work. :)


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