Monday 3 November 2014

Potager... une vue d'oiseau

Potager du Roi Versailles King's kitchen garden
Two last shots by Atelier Choco Turquoise today, still taken from the dome of Saint-Louis cathedral at the end of September. This time it's the King's Kitchen Garden, which VDP had shown you from down there a few times. You can see the photos and read about it here!

Deux dernières photos de l'Atelier Choco Turquoise prises depuis le dôme de la cathédrale Saint-Louis fin septembre. Voici le potager du roi, que VDP vous avait montré au ras des pâquerettes à plusieurs reprises, vous pouvez voir les photos et lire les infos, notamment historiques, ici en faisant défiler les billets !
Potager du Roi Versailles King's kitchen garden


  1. Beautiful views from up there, Ciel!

  2. Nice garden. Almost makes me feel ashamed of my potted herbs. :-)

  3. Wow, that is about all I can say....

  4. It's not exactly a small garden plot, is it? Must take lots of work among many people. Looks for trim and organized.

  5. An incredible view of a garden which could feed a lot of people, Ciel!

  6. Wow, those gardens are huge!!

  7. Anonymous3/11/14 09:14

    All very neatly laid out, and perfectly viewed from the dome!

  8. Ton Rss ne doit pas marcher, je te vois pas dans les nouveaux posts ;(

    Les vues d'en haut sont magnifiques.

  9. Is the dome open to the public? What a view!!

  10. n'avais jamais vu le potager ainsi...

  11. Great view, wonderful images!

  12. At first I though you had bought a drone, but then I read you were at the dome. :-) Wonderful views!

  13. Un peu pareil que.chez moi

  14. @ Wayne: no it isn't, hence the fact that I was so grateful to my friend for having taken these photos!

    @ JM: it wasn't me!

  15. Great bird's-eye view.

  16. Your friend has taken wonderful photographs from way up high.

  17. magnifique vu d'en haut ;)

  18. This is a great overview of what the gardens look like.

  19. Ahh, wish I were a oiseau in your town.

  20. Everything looks so much more impressive when you can see the complete size from above! Amazing shots Ciel, lucky you were able to show them without having to go all the way up there.. how is your foot now by the way?


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