Tuesday 11 November 2014

Les pompiers morts pour la patrie en 14-18

Firemen memorial Versailles
In this centennial year of commemorations of World War I and today being Armistice Day of 1918, VDP thought it fitting to show pictures of the small plaque that stands outside Versailles' fire station, located just next to the town hall. It bears the names of firemen who lost their lives during the Great War butchery. This photo was taken mid-October on a warm Sunday afternoon. You can see more Armistice photos by clicking on the 'Armistice' and 'War' labels below.

En cette année de commémoration du début de la Grande Guerre, et en ce jour de l'Armistice de 1918, VDP a pensé opportun de vous montrer cette plaque qui se trouve au Centre de Secours Principal des Sapeurs-Pompiers des Yvelines, juste à côté de la mairie. La photo a été prise vers la mi-octobre, un dimanche après-midi chaud. Vous pouvez voir un certain nombre d'autres photos relatives à la guerre et à l'Armistice en cliquant sur les tags "Armistice" et "War" ci-dessous.
Fire station Versailles


  1. Quite an impressive fire station, and an ideal choice with that first shot for today of all days.

  2. Today was once known as Armistice Day in the US but we've been in so many wars since that it's now called Veterans Day. You occasionally see memorials to those who died in war from a particular group. Firemen, fishermen,tradesmen of one kind or another.

  3. That is a nice memorial. Commemorating events are just about to start here this morning.

  4. Comme j'ecrivais encore il y a quelques instants sur un blog.
    Ah ce "Jamais plus" que l'on lit un peu partout.
    Sachons parler aux veterans.

  5. A very dignified and fitting tribute.

  6. I posted a tribute to ou firefighters yesterday. Good to remember these faithful servants!!

  7. Beautiful little memorial.

  8. Nice pictures.
    Yes, we should remember how important firemen are, especially during war.
    After so many died recently in our Mt. Carmel fire, our firemen started to be called firefighters.

  9. WW1 began 100 years ago this past July 28th. Wear our poppies today!

  10. Commemorating World War I and quietly getting ready for the third round...

  11. Yes indeed Ciel, everyone involved should be remembered today!

  12. A wonderful post for today Ciel.

  13. @ VP: yes, it's unbelievable.

  14. A wonderful post for the day, Ciel.

  15. That is a nice memorial, it is good to remember those who died while serving.

  16. Too bad we need these kinds of memorials...

  17. I do like seeing these memorials. This one is just right!

  18. Like you, I think it's important to remember all those who die in service to others making this world a safer place than it otherwise would be.


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