Friday 21 November 2014

Andrée Kupp, dresseuse et montreuse de légumes

To wrap up this Goûts d'Yvelines series, here's 'Andrée Kupp, vegetable trainer and puppeteer'! The website is this way, it's even in English! The kids (and the adults) loved the show! As usual with VDP's long series, thanks for your patience!

Pour finir cette série sur Goûts d'Yvelines, voici Andrée Kupp, dresseuse et montreuse de légumes ! Spectacle top pour les enfants... et les adultes ! Le site web, c'est par ici ! Comme d'hab' avec les longues séries de VDP, merci pour votre patience !


  1. Lovely picture and composition, nice and simple and tells the story.

  2. A cute site, Ciel! The whole thing looks like such fun!

  3. Looks like this would be a fun and inventive show.

  4. Vegetable trainer and puppeteer? Now I've heard everything!

  5. That looks interesting.

  6. Nette Szene, Ciel, schaut aus wie aus einem Märchen !

  7. :( the link isn't working for me Ciel, shame because I've not seen a vegetable trainer at work before :)

  8. I love that phrase "vegetable trainer".

  9. At our church's Christmas show, there was always a puppet show. Loved it and hold nice memories of them.

  10. You have framed and captured the performance perfectly!

  11. Dresseuse et montreuse de légumes !
    Mais c'est genial, on en a besoin dand toute la France, je vais me connecter sur le lien pour en savoir plus. Un billet pour me mettre de bonne humeur car la journee a ete longue et laborieuse.

  12. Very nice and great fun for the kids. Which all reminds me: Do you know why some vegetarians are crabby? They eat too many "steamed" vegetables!

  13. Vegetable trainer? That phrase could go wrong in so many ways ...

    The kids are very engaged, she must be very captivating.

  14. Ha! I love the idea of vegetable trainer. Clever!

  15. Original, coloré, décalé ! C'est sûr, les enfants adorent !


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