Thursday 23 October 2014

Plein de casques de romains !

Playmobil Versailles
As with the planet Hoth rebel base, it was difficult to get a good general view of the fabulous and huge Playmobil Roman Capua arena by Templier et Richard, so VDP focused on details!

Comme pour la base rebelle de la planète Hoth, c'était difficile de prendre une photo générale de l'immense et fabuleux diorama Playmobil des arènes de Capoue par Templier et Richard, donc VDP a pris des photos de détails...
Playmobil Versailles
Below are details of the no less fantastic 'Compagnie des Indes' diorama by JP du 9è!

Ci-dessous, des détails du non moins fantastique diorama ayant pour thème la Croisière Jaune et intitulé la Compagnie des Indes, construit par JP du 9è.
Playmobil Versailles
Playmobil Versailles
Playmobil Versailles


  1. It must have been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun, for the people who put these together!

  2. Clearly someone with WAY too many Legos. :-)

  3. This is absolutely amazing. I've not seen anything like it. I can imagine the kiddos were in awe. So much detail which makes it all rather real in an odd sort of way.

  4. i can't get over how wonderful these are, Ciel!

  5. That must have taken forever to put together.

  6. Diese kleine Männchen sind süß !

  7. Interesting pictures, these scenes look a little chaotic, well captures, these things are never easy. I like the moving train in the last picture.

  8. Haha! Love the first two.. storming the castle :) Super fun event Ciel :)

  9. I love how the speeding train came out in your photo.

  10. The creativity is awesome!

  11. Wow, can you imagine being a little kid with toys like this? A dream come true.

  12. An absolute folly, but a fascinating one!

  13. That's fascinating, the detail is amazing. I can't imagine the hours spent creating this.

  14. This must have been a lot of work for someone!

  15. i can picture grown ups putting this together, like little kids! such impressive displays favorite is the one with the elephants :)

  16. what a lot of painstaking work to create these lovely scenes


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